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总分253分 考试时间120分钟


1.在白天他和他的朋友们玩耍。He _ _ __ his friends _ ___ the day.





I ________________, China.


He __________________ the elephants.


____________ Kathy ___________?


My father ___________________.


She _________ _________ __________ a movie actor.

9.The students was very tired .They____________(入睡)quickly.



12.play volleyball ______________


I think ______________________________.


15.My pen pal is from Australia.


__________________ in school is P.E.

17.We shouldn't_____________________(和……争吵)our parents.

18.Is this our classroom their classroom?

A. and B. but C. or D. of

19.look like __________________将下列短语译为汉语

20.short hair ________________

21.The elephants are friendly to us.





I'm ________________.

25.basketball team _______________将下列短语译为汉语

26.do one's homework_____________________

27.straight hair ______________

28.Class Five __________________将下列短语译为汉语




The park is ______________________________________________________________.


32.她十五岁。 _________________________.


That woman has ______________.

34.stop doing sth. _______________


36.medium height _______________


I _________________ my sister Gina.




Is Paul ___________________?

40.I had no enough money to buy a dictionary because I____________________ (花了太多的钱) in this month.

41.你还喜欢其他什么动物? ___ animals do you like?

42.The big bear is kind of ugly.



I don't know____________ the bank.

44.What other animals do you like ?



People ___ their money _____ me or _____ their money _____ me.

46.The workers get their money _____ their boss every Friday.

A. on B. in C. from D. of



49.a few__________________________



52.a little bit ____________________ 将下列短语译为汉语

53.Long long ago few people had been to______________(太空站).

55.curly hair _________________将下列短语译为汉语


The animals_______________________________________________________________ people.




Where ____________________________________________________________?

59.at home_________________

60.体育节目 _____________

61.狮子也来自非洲。 Lions _____ _____ from Africa.

62.the Great Wall _______________



_____________the hotel there's a small house________________.

65.Don't write on the wall.




67.in the water ________________

68.. August 15th ________________



______________________the post office?

71.go out ________________


My job _______ _________ but _________ _________ ___________






Mary is today .

78.多谢…… _____________

79. 电视台在哪里?










There is a _____________________________________________________________.

85.on vacation______________


___________________________ your weekend? (



88.On my seventh birthday, my grandma got me a_________ _________(特别的礼物)

89.thank for_________________【七年级下英语句子翻译】


_________________ Weekend Talk show.




1.下次你应该早点儿来这儿。 .

2.你最好不要单独去游泳。 .

3.让我们开始讨论这个难题吧。 .

4.这箱子太重,这小孩搬不动。 .

5.每天我父亲去上班需要一个半小时。 .

6.瞧!树下有一位老人正在观看孩子们玩游戏。 .

7.我感到这个问题很难回答。 .


9.你的英语学习情况怎样? ?

10.当我们到达火车站时,火车已开走了。 .

11.这位老人已当了30多年英语老师了。 .

12.她脸色显得很焦急,因为她妈妈已病了些时候了。 13.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 .

14.如果你不理解这篇课文,可以请教老师。 .


16.为了将来更好地为人民服务,我们学习非常刻苦。 17.据说城里又建造了一所医院。 .

18.据说今天下午开班会, .

19.她宁愿和我们一道去也不愿呆在家里。 .

20.星期天我宁愿看书也不愿玩。 .

21.这颗新星是一位中国科学家发现的。 .

22.他给我们提供了一条有用的信息。 .

23.请立刻给我带两瓶牛奶来吧。 .



26.教育上已取得了很大的成绩。 .



29.做完作业后,他又接着给父母写了一封信。 .

30.他用了三周时间看完了这本书。 .

31.不要躺在床上看电视,这对你的眼睛有害。 .

32.从那以后我不再是个学生了。 .

33.我朋友因唱歌而出了名。 .


35.他告诉了我,我才知道这件事。 .

36.你能告诉我从上海到北京乘火车需要多长时间吗? ?





42.如今,人们彼此间仍旧做着相同的事。 .

43.使我吃惊的是,最后他考试及格了。 44.我已经提醒他要提防这个人。 .

45.球迷们(fan)正忙于看“世界杯”。 .

46.老师要求我们保持教室内的清洁和安静。 .

47.孩子们最好不要过多地玩电脑游戏。 .

48.我们坚信中国明天会更美好。 .



51.从今以后,你必须更加小心。 .

52.我想这是我读过的最好的小说(novel)之一。 .


54.他关心别人胜过关心自己。 .

55.他们努力地干,以便尽快完成这项工作。 .

56.当你离开的时候,务必关掉所有的机器。 .

57.那座山上终年积雪。 .

58.我听说三分之二的工作已完成了。 .

59.他不知道他妈妈为什么生他的气。 .


61.别着急,迟早你会找到你的自行车的。 .


63.到目前为止,工人们已在这条河上建了三座桥了。 64.这种杯子是用来喝酒的。


66.英语在世界上被用做一种有用的工作语言。 67.大多数水稻都生长在南方。




71.展出的小汽车都是中国制造的。 .


73.雨这么大,我只好等到雨停以后再走。 .



76.全世界的人都知道长城。 .

77.他说他已拍了许多照片。 .





82.她父母叫她晚上不要单独外出。 .

83.我宁愿买一台新电脑,而不愿买一台二手货。84.校长对我们英语老师评价很高。 .

85.老人理应受到尊重。 .

86.我到收款台checkout时,才意识到我把钱包忘在家里了。 .






1. Next time you should come here earlier. 2. You'd better not go swimming alone.

3. Let's discuss the difficult problem now. 4. The box is too heavy for the boy to carry.

5. Every day it takes my father one and a half hours ( one hour and a half) to go to work.

6. Look! There is an old man under the tree watching the children playing games.

7. I found it very difficult to answer the question.

8. Though they were neither very tall nor very strong, they were a good team.

9. How are you getting along (on) with your English study?

10. The train had left when we got to the railway station.

11. The old man has been an English teacher for more than thirty years.

12. She looks worried because her mother has been ill for some time.

13. The People's Republic of China was founded on Oct 1st, 1949.

14. If you can't understand the text, you may ask your teacher for help.

15. What's the difference between these two languages?

16. We work hard at our study so that we can serve the people in the future.

17. It is said that another hospital has been built in the city

18. It is said that there will be a class meeting this afternoon, but you'd better make sure

19. She preferred to go with us rather than stay at home

20. On Sundays I prefer reading to playing

21. The new star was discovered by a Chinese scientist

22. He gave us a useful piece of information

23. Please bring me two bottles of milk at once

24. You'd better not play football in the street .

25. Has he been sent to work in Tibet?

26. Great changes have been made in education.

27. Don't laugh at those who are in trouble.

28. Would you mind if I shut the window?

29. After he finished his homework, he went on to write to his parents

30. It took him three weeks to finish reading the book

31.. Don't watch TV in bed.It's bad for your eyes

32. After that I was no longer a student

33. My friend is famous for his singing

34. The more you eat, the fatter you will be.

35. I knew nothing about it until he told me

36. Could you tell me how long it takes by train from Shanghai to Beijing

37. What's the price of a one-way ticket from Beijing to Shanghai?

38. I can speak not only English but also French as well .

39. He told us such funny stories that we all laughed

40. They were amazed at the changes in that city.

41. They thought highly of your work

42. Today people still do the same thing to each other

43. To my surprise, he passed the exam at last.

44. I've warned him about the man.

45. Football fans are busy watching the World Cup

46. We are asked to keep our classroom clean and quiet by the teacher

47. Children had better not play computer games too much

48. We are sure that China will be even better tomorrow

49. Something must be done to stop this kind of accident from happening again.

50. The mountain is less dangerous than you think.

51. You must be more careful from now on.

52. I think this novel is one of the best I've read

53. Even though he is no longer alive, his spirit lives on.

54. He thinks more of others than himself

55. They worked hard so that they could finish the work soon

56. Make sure all the machines are (must be) shut down when you leave

57. The mountain is covered with snow all year round

58. I heard that t wo-thirds of the work has been finished

59. He didn't know why his mother was angry with him

60. My uncle used to be a driver,but now he is a doctor.

61. Don't worry.You will find your bike sooner or later

62. He is proud of finishing such hard work in an hour.

63. The workers have built three bridges over the river so far.

64. This kind of cup is used for drinking wine

65. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.

66. English is used as a useful working language in the world.

67. Most of rice is grown in the south.

68. Man-made satellites have been set up into space by many countries.

69. Can you tell me where he is living now ?

70. He can speak not only English but also French

71. The cars on show are made in China

72. I hope that you can get on well with your classmates

73. It is raining heavily.I have to stay here until it stops

74. No matter what he says,I don't believe him.

75. It takes my mother an hour to do the cleaning every day.

76. The Great Wall is known by the people all over the world

77. He said that he had taken many photos

78. My father used to be a basketball player, but now he's a coach.

79. Mr Zhang often speaks highly of his son in public.

80. Could/Would you please teach me how to search the Internet?

81. I don't think the work can be done in two days.

82. Her parents told him not to go out alone at night

83. I prefer/preferred to buy a new computer rather than buy a used one.

84. The headteacher speaks/spoke highly of our English teacher

85. Old people deserve to be respected

86. When I got to the checkout.I realized (that) I had left my wallet/purse at home

87. Mrs Zhang tells/told us not to be nervous in the exam.

88. I am not sure whether/if it is going to rain.



班级:__________ 小组:__________ 姓名:__________ 等级:__________

1. 在春节期间,我们有很多有趣的事情可以做。

______ ________ _________, we have ______ ______ interesting things to do.

2. 我喜欢把自己的房间刷成蓝色的。I like to _________ my room ___________.

3. 圣诞节的时候孩子们常用气球装饰房间。

Children often _____________ rooms _________ balloons at Christmas.

4. 他通常在星期天去理发。He usually _______ _____ ____________ on Sundays.


5. 在新年那一天我们穿上新衣服,走亲访友。

_____ New Year’s Day, we ______ ___ new clothes and _______ our ________ and friends.

6. 你们打算下个周末去观光吗?Are you going to ___________ _______________?

7. 今天夜里要下雨。_________ _________ __________ _________tonight.

8. 火车什么时候到达巴黎?

What time does the train __________ _____________Paris?

9. 你打算在哪里待多久?______ ______are you ______ _______ ______ ________?

10. 他们需要快些学英语而且要说好它。

They need to _______ ______ ______and_______ ______ ______.

11. 他们打算去观光,因为他们喜欢中国的文化。

They______ ______ _____ ______ ______ because they like Chinese culture.

12. 我出生在一个小村庄。 I ________ ___________in a small village.

13. 我们正在享受好时光。 We’re ________ _______ _________ _________.

14. 当你还是个小男孩的时候,你骑自行车去上学吗?

____________________________ when you were a boy?

15. 工人们在装修商店,因为圣诞节来临了。

The workers are_________the shop. Because the Christmas is __________.

16. 明天的天气如何?What ________the weather ________like tomorrow ?

17. 大连冬天从不冷,夏天从不热。It’s ______very cold in winter____very hot in summer in Dalian.

18. 她比我更擅长于打篮球。She is ________than me at _______ basketball.

19. 公主死后变成了一只鸟。The princess ________ _________ a bird after she died.

20. 刘翔是中国最著名的明星之一。Liu Xiang is ____ ____ ____ ______ ______ ______ in China.

21. 学生们正在为考试做准备。Students _____ ______ _______ ____ the exam.

22. 骑自行车比体操更有趣。Cycling _____ _____ ________ _____ gymnastics.

23. 和孩子们一起玩是非常有趣的。It is very interesting ____ _____ _____ _______.

24. 导游昨天带着他们四处参观。The guide ______ ____ ________ _________.

25. 上学期王老师教我们英语。 Last term, Mr. Wang ______ ______ English

26. 多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有益。_______more vegetables______ _______ _____our health.

27. 王老师一年去两次北京。

28. 今天早上发生设么事了?

30. 你多久吃一次白菜? Mr. Wang goes to Beijing_______ _______ ________. _______ ______ ______this morning? 29. 请互相帮助。 Please help __________ _________. ___________ _________ do you eat cabbage?

31. 中国以长城而闻名于世。 China is _________ ____________the Great Wall.

32. 这个星期天你们打算去打篮球吗?_____ you ______ _______ play basketball this Sunday?

33. 你的启蒙老师怎么样? _______ ________ your first teacher _________?

34. 对于老人来说学习英语更困难。It’s _____ ________ _____old people _____ _____ English.

35. 你认为昨晚电视上关于詹天佑的那部电影怎么样?

What ______ you _______ ______ the film ______ Zhan Tianyou _____ television last night?

36. 明天将会有雨。There will _________ ___________ tomorrow.

37. 请代我向你的父母问好。Please _________ hello ___________ your parents.

38. 那个小男孩迷路了,我帮他找到了妈妈。

The little boy _______ _______ and I helped him find his mother.

39.你比他大2 岁. You are ______ ______ _______ _______ him.

40.他们打算登上长城. They _______ ______ _________ _______ the Great Wall.

41.孩子们正在穿衣服.The children ______ _______ ________.

42.成千上万的人将会来中国. ________ ______ people will ______ ______ China.

43.下个星期天气将会变暖和吗? Will the weather _______ __________ next week?

44.他们正在逛商店买礼物。They _______ ________ _______ __________ ______presents.

45.长江比黄河宽吗?Is the Changjiang River _______ _______ the Yellow River?

46. 今天下午我有许多事情要做。I have a lot of things ________ ________ this afternoon.

47. 你在等谁? Who are you ________ ________?

48.他正在和谁谈话? Who is he _____ _______ ________?

49.你们将什么时候到达这里?When _______ ________ ___________here?

50.你的兄弟比你大还是比你小?Is your brother _________ _____ _________ you?

51.那些山大约有1200米高.Those mountains are about _______ ________ ___________.

52.今晚将有大风和大雨.There will ________ __________and _________ ____________ tonight.

53.他们每周上5天学. They go to school ______ ________ ______ _________.

54.看,他们正躺在沙滩上,并享受阳光. Look!They _____ _______ on the beach and ______the sun.

55.他是香港最受欢迎的歌手之一. He is _________________________________ in Hong Kong .

56.他住得离学校最近. He lives ________ _____ the school.

57.夏天是一年最热的季节. Summer is _____ ________season _____ _____ ______.

58.那个年轻人需要考虑一下这个问题. The young man ________ ____ ______ ____ this question.

59.他们正匆忙往车站赶. They _____ ________ ______ the station.

60.香港是个比上海新的城市. Hong Kong is a ______ ______ _______ Shanghai.

61.在将来生活将会更舒适.Life will be more comfortable ______ ______ ________________.


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?


1. sing(现在分词)_________ 2. dance(现在分词)_________ 3. swim(现在分词)_________

4.draw(同义词)_________ 5. story(复数)_________ 6.write(同音词)_________

7. drum(复数)_________ 8. piano(复数)_________ 9. also(同义词)_________

10. make(单三)_________ (现在分词)_________ 11. center(形容词)_________

11. teach(单三)_________ (名词)_________ 13. musician(形容词_________


1.下国际象棋 ___________________ 说英语 ___________________

弹吉它 ___________________ 想做…… ___________________

2. 擅长于_______________ 什么俱乐部 /运动 ___________________ 艺术/音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部___________________ ___________________

擅长做某事___________________= ___________________

like to do … 喜欢做… What about…?…怎么样?

be good at doing…擅长做… tell stories 讲故事

the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部 G7BU1p2

3. talk to 跟…..说 write stories 写小说

want …for the school show为学校表演招聘…… after school 放学后

do kung fu 打中国功夫 come and show us 来给我们表演 G7BU1p3

4. play the drum 敲鼓 play the piano弹钢琴

play the violin 拉小提琴 G7BU1p4

5. be good with 善于应付(处理)…的 ;和某人相处很好

make friends 结交朋友 help sb. with sth=help sb.(to) do sth.在某方面帮助某人 on the weekend 在周末=on weekends help with...帮助做……

be free /busy 有空/很忙 call sb. at…拨打某人的……号码

need sb./sth. to do… 需要某人/某物做……

English-speaking students说英语的学生 G7BU1p5

join…… the club加入…俱乐部,be in=join in … 成为…中的一员 G7BU1p6


1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.

3. You can join the English club. Sounds good.

4. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.

5. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.

Unit 2 What time do you usually go to school?


1. up(反义词)down 2. brush(单三)brushes 3. tooth(复数)teeth

4. always (反义词)never 5.early(反义词)late 6. work(同义词)job

7. night(反义词)day 8. half(复数)halves 9. run(现在分词)running

10. clean(现在分词)cleaning 11. either…or… (反义词)neither …nor…

12. life(复数)lives 13. taste(单三)tastes


1. get up 起床,站起 get dressed穿上衣服 have/take a shower 洗淋浴

brush teeth涮牙 eat breakfast 吃早餐 What time 几点,何时

go to school 去学校 do homework 做家庭作业 G7BU2p7

2. at night 在晚上 from…to… 从……到…… G7BU2p8

in the morning 在上午 go to work 去上班

That's a funny time for… 那是做……有意思的时间。

be late for… 做……迟到 on weekends 在周末 G7BU2p9

3. on school days 在上学期间 have(eat) breakfast /dinner 吃早餐/晚餐

4. do (one's) homework 做作业 take a walk 散步,走一走

a quarter past /to+钟点数 ……过/差一刻钟

in the afternoon /evening 在下午/晚上 go to bed 上床睡觉

half past +钟点数 ……点半 go home 回家 G7BU2p10

5. either…or 要么……要么,或者…..或者

lots of=many+可数(复数)大量,许多 lots of= much + 不可数名词

eat quickly 吃得快 play sports 做运动

have much time for …有许多时间做…… for half an hour 半小时

get home 到家 eat a good breakfast早餐吃得好,好好吃一顿早餐

eat…for lunch 午餐吃…… after lunch /dinner 午餐/晚餐后

be (not) good for 对……健康有(没)益 taste good 尝起来好吃 G7BU2p11

6. have a shower 洗澡 have a very healthy life 有健康的生活

need to do … 需要做…… after doing to have … 为了有…… 做……后

from Monday to Friday从周一到周五 radio station广播电台

make breakfast for sb.替某人做早饭 get to school 到校 G7BU2p12


1. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.

2. That’s a funny time for breakfast.

3. When do students usually eat dinner?

They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.

4. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.

5. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch..

6. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good.

7. Here are your clothes.


My School Day

I am a student. I usually get up at seven, and I eat breakfast at seven thirty. Then I go to school at eight. School starts at eight thirty. I eat lunch at twelve. I go home at 17:00. I often eat dinner at 19:00 and then play the piano. I do my homework at 20:00. At 22:00, I go to bed. Unit 3 How do you get to school?


1. subway(同义词)underway 2. ride(现在分词)riding 3. bike(完全式)bicycle

4. far from(反义词)near to 5. km(完全式)kilometer 6. drive(现在分词)driving

7. cross (介词)across (名词)crossing 8. village(指人)villager

9. leave/li:v/ live /liv/ 10. stop(同义词) station


1. take the train /bus/boat/subway 乘火车/公共汽车/船/地铁

=by train/bus/boat/subway= on a train/bus/boat/subway

How do(does)+人+ get to+地方? 你怎样到达…… G7BU3p13

人+take(s)+the/a/an+交通工具+to+地方= 人+go(es)+ to+地方+ by+交通工具 乘…去…

2. by bike=ride a bike=on one’s bike骑自行车 how long 多久,多长 how far多远

How long does it take sb. to do…? 做……花某人多长时间?

It take(s) +人(宾格)+时间段(sometime) to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。

How far is it from …to …? ……离……有多远?

I'm not sure. 我不能确信。 have a good day at school. 上课快乐

you, too. 你也是。 the bus ride 乘公共汽车(名词短语) G7BU3p14

3. walk to school 走路上学 drive one's car to do… 开某人的车去做……

from here 从这儿 every day 每天:天天 G7BU3p15

4. think of 认为 bus stop 公交车站点 train station 火车站 G7BU3p16

5. How far does he /she live from…? 他/她住在离……有多远?

What does he/she think of sth/doing sth?

=How does he/she like sth/doing sth? 他/她觉得……如何?

6. between…and 在…..和……之间 come true 实现,成为现实

by bus /train乘公交车/火车 run too quickly for… 对……来说流得太急

It is adj+(for) sb. to do sth… 做……怎么样 cross the river 通过河

one (an)11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩 be not afraid不害怕

love to do sth.=like to do sth喜欢做…… play with sb/sth 和某人玩耍;玩耍某物

be like…to sb. 像……一样对…… like this 像这样

It is one's dream to do… 做……是某人的梦想。 have to do… 不得不做某事……

go on a ropeway 坐索道去 G7BU3p17

7. thanks for + n. / v. ing …感谢你(做)某事 get there到达那儿 G7BU3p18


1. How do you get to school?

I ride my bike=I get to school by bike=I get to school on my bike.

2. How far is it from your home to school? It’s about three kilometers

3. How long does it take you to get to school? It takes me about half an hour on foot.

4. For many students, it is easy to get to school.

5. There is a very big river between their school and the village.


The Best Way for Me to Go to School

Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I llike to go to school on foot.

First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school. And it takes me a few minutes to get there. Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy. I think it is safer to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is good for my health. It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better. So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot. What about you?

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.


1. rule(复数)rules 2. hallway(复数)hallways 3. listen(现在分词)listening

4. fight(现在分词)fighting 5. outside(反义词)inside 6. wear(同音词)where

7. important(反义词)unimportant 8. bring to(反义词)take to

9. uniform(复数)uniforms 10.out(反义词)in 11. before(反义词)after

12. dirty (反义词)clean 13. noisy(反义词)quiet 14. relax(形容词)relaxing/relaxed

15. terrible(副词)terribly 16. luck(形容词)lucky


1. dining hall 餐厅 listen to 听 in class 上课时 in the dining hall在餐厅

don't arrive late for… =be not late for... 不要到……迟到 G7BU4p19

2. a lot of 许多,大量 be quiet=keep quiet安静

wear a hat /the school uniform 戴着帽子/穿着校服

bring …to… 带……到(给)……

3. be on time for…… 准时(按时)做……

4. have to,has to 不得不 don't(doesn’t) have to do …=needn’t....不必做……

go out 外出(娱乐) do the dishes=wash the dishes(U5)清洗餐具 G7BU4p21

5. practice the guitar=practice playing the guitar练习弹吉它

help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

on school nights在夜自习,在晚上上课 before dinner 晚饭前

every Saturday /morning 每周六/每天上午 G7BU4p22

6. make (one's) bed 铺床 make breakfast 做早餐 follow the rules 遵守规则

be strict with+人 对某人要求严格 be strict in+事情 对某事要求严格

too many+可数名词(复数) 大多的……too much+不可数名词

leave +物品+in the kitchen 把某东西忘放在厨房

be noisy 吵闹,发出噪音 What can I do? 我该怎么办呢?

think about 考虑,思考 看书

make rules to do…制定规章来做…… good luck! 祝你好运!G7BU4p23

7. at home 在家 learn to do... 学习做…… have fun 过得高兴,玩得愉快have a good time

keep + 宾语+形容词 使……保持某种状态 keep one’s hair short 某人留短发

get sth.for sb. 替某人拿某物 want sb. to do… 想某人做……

It's best to do… 做……是最好的。 G7BU4p24


1. Don’t arrive late for class. 上课不要迟到。

2. Can we bring music players to school? 我们可以带音乐播放器到学校吗?

3. And we always have to wear the school uniform. 并且我们总是不得不穿校服。

4. There are too many rules! 有太多的规则!

5. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! 不要把脏盘子留在厨房里!

6. I have to keep my hair short. 我不得不留短发。


Dear Tom,

Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them.

We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we should say hello to them. We can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class.

I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me.

Yours Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?


1. panda(复数) pandas 2. zoo(复数)zoos 3. tiger(复数)tigers 4. koala(复数)koalas

5. giraffe (复数)giraffes 6.elephant(复数)elephant 7.lazy(反义词)di gent

8. beautiful(名词)beauty (反义词)ugly 9. Australia(指人)Australian

10. south(对应词)north 11. Africa(指人)African 12. friendly (反义词)unfriendly

13. forget(反义词)remember 14. danger(形容词)dangerous 15.danger(反义词)safety

16. ivory(复数)ivories save(名词)saving


1. let sb do sth. first.让某人先做… why do you like…?你为什么喜欢……?G7BU5p25

2. kind of 稍微,有点儿 =a little South Africa 南非

be from…=come from来自… walk on two legs 两条腿走路;立着走路

all day=the whole day 全天,整天 be friendly to sb. 对于某人很友好;

Why don’t you like…?=why not like… 你为什么不喜欢……?

Let’s do sth. =shall we do sth =what/how about doing sth G7BU5p26

3. a lot 非常,十分 black and white 黑白相间 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好

What animals=which animals 什么动物 G7BU5p28

4. be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险中 cut down 砍倒

be made of +物质 由…..制成 a symbol of good luck 好运的象征

so many+可数名词复数 如此多的…… save the elephant 拯救大象

one of Thailand’s symbols 泰国的一个标志 student from Thailand 泰国的学生

get lost =be lost 迷路 lose one’s home 无家可归,失去家园

walk for a long time 走了很长时间 places with food and water 有食物和水的地方

kill …for…因……而杀死… things made of ivory 象牙制品 G7BU5p29

5. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事(未做) forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已做)


1. Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?

Because they’re 因为它们有点儿有趣。

2. Why does John like koalas? 约翰为什么喜欢树袋熊?

Because they’re 因为它们非常可爱。

3. Why don’t you like tigers?=Why not like tigers 你为什么不喜欢老虎?

Because they’re 因为它们真的吓人。

4. Where are lions from? = Where do lions comes from? 狮子来自哪里?

They’re from South Africa. 它们来自南非。=They come from South Africa. 它们来自南非。 大象能走很长时间并且从不迷路。

6. They can also remember places with food and water. 它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。 但是,大象处于极大危险之中。

8. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.


9. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before)


10. Isn’t she beautiful? 她难道不美丽吗?


The Animal I Like

There are many kinds of animals in the world. What animal do I like? Let’s know her.

Many people like her very much. I also like her. She is from China. She is very cute. She doesn’t eat grass and meat at all. She eats bamboo every day. She is so nice. She is black and white. She has two big black ears and eyes. And she also has black legs and arms.

What animal is she? She is a panda. I like panda very much. Do you like her? What animal do you like?

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?


1. sing(现在分词)singing 2. dance(现在分词)dancing 3. swim(现在分词)swimming

4.draw(同义词)paint 5. story(复数)stories 6.write(同音词)right

7. drum(复数)drums 8. piano(复数)pianos 9. also(同义词)too/either

12. make(单三)makes (现在分词)making 11. center(形容词)central

12. teach(名词)teacher 13. musician(形容词)musical


1. play chess 下国际象棋 speak English 说英语

play the guitar 弹吉它 want to do… 想做……【七年级下英语句子翻译】

2. be good at 擅长于 what club /sports 什么俱乐部 /运动 G7BU1p1

art/ music /swimming /sports club 艺术/音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部




My father always plays basketball with his friends ___________________.

2.、你放学后忙吗(busy) ___________ after school?

3、你会唱歌或跳舞吗? Can you ______________________?

4、你和小孩子们相处得好吗? (with) __________________________ kids?

5、你能帮助孩子们(学)游泳吗? Can you _____________________?

6、请打电话622-6033 找张衡。(call) Please___________________ 622-6033.


We________ two good ______ in our ___________.

8、你非常擅长讲故事。(good) You are very ___________________ stories.


They can _____________, and you can ____________.


Then we need you to help with sports for ____________________.

11、我没有太多时间吃早饭,因此我通常吃得很快。 (quick)

I don’t have ________ time for breakfast, so I usually eat very ________.

12、在晚上,我要么看电视要么玩电脑。 (either)

In the evening, I ______________________ play computer games.

13、学生通常什么时候吃晚餐 他们通常六点四十五吃晚餐。(quarter) When do students usually eat dinner? They usually eat dinner at ____________in the evening.

14、她中餐吃大量的蔬菜和水果。(lot) She eats________ fruit and vegetables for lunch..


In the evening ,she does her homework and usually swims or ______________.


She knows it’s _______________ her, but it_______________.

17、你什么时候穿衣?(dress) When do you ____________________?

18、我通常从六点到七点锻炼。(from) I usually exercise _______ six _______seven.

19、我四点半从学校到家。(past) I get home from school at _______________.

20、你到学校要用多少时间?(how) ______________________ you to get to school?


So these students _______________ to cross the river to school.


There is no bridge and the river _________________ for boats.


One _____________________, Liangliang, _____________ every school day.


Mary wants to know what he ____________ the trip.

25、有一条大河在学校和村庄之间。(between) There is a big river __________________.

26、他对我来说像父亲一样。(like) He ______________ me.

27、他们的梦想能够成真吗?(come) Can their dream ______________?

28、上课别迟到,你必须准时 (arrive) Don’t ____ ____ for class. You must _________.

29、我们在图书馆必须保持安静.(quiet) We have to ____ ___ in the library.

30、我们学校有太多的规则。(many) There are __________ rules at our school.

31、学生必须留短发。(keep) Students must _________________.


We can’t _____________ in the classroom or hallways.

33、我们能把音乐播放器带到学校来吗?(bring)Can we_________________ school?


Elephants can walk for a long time and never ____________.

35、但是大象面临巨大的危险。(danger) But elephants



We must save the trees and not buy things __________________.


People __________________ many trees so elephants are losing their homes.


I like pandas because they are ____________ interesting.

39、大象是泰国的象征之一。(one) The elephant is


40、 他会用两条腿走路。(leg) He can walk __________________.

41、所以对朱辉和他的房东家人来说,今晚和平时的晚上是一样的。(any) So it’s like ______________ for Zhu Hui and his host family.


His dad and uncle are __________________________.

43、你想去看电影吗?(movie) Do you want to ____________________?

44、但是在美国没有龙舟节。(be) But _______________a Dragon Boat Festival in the US.

45、他正在给他深圳的表弟打电话。(talk)He’s _______________ to his cousin in Shenzhen.

46、听起来你玩得很开心。(time) Sounds like _____________________.

47、你能叫他给我回个电话吗?(back) Can you just tell him


48、她在这里上班, 而我在上暑期学习班。(school)

She’s ___________________ and I’m going to __________________.

49、我想给你打电话,但电话不好用,所以我就给你写明信片了。(working) I ___________________, but my phone _______________, so I’m writing to you.


How’s it going? I’m having a great time ________________________.


I’m so happy ____________. I’m also visiting _____________.

52、我和我家人正在山上度假。 My family and I ______________ in the mountains.


People __________, but they are ______________________.

54、公园里,一些男孩子在雪中嬉戏,一个女孩子在河上滑冰。一个男人在给雪人照相。 In a park, some boys ____________, One girl ____________ and a man ______________.


_________________, I usually walk out and _________________.


Walk along Long Street, and _____________ when ______________.

57、我喜欢周末在那儿度过一段时光。(spend) I love _________________ on weekends.

58、我爱看猴子爬上爬下。(around) I like to watch


59、人生最美好的事情是免费的啊!(thing) ________________________ are free!

60、我阅读时,时光过的很快。(go) When I read books,


61、我经常在公园里锻炼,因为我喜欢那里清新的空气和煦的阳光。(clean) I often exercise at the park because I love ______________________.

62、我奶奶煮我喜欢吃的食物。(make) My grandma _________________________.

63、我喜欢和爷爷下中国象棋。(play) I enjoy ___________________ with my grandpa.

64、我们有时观看邻居家的猫爬树。(climb) We sometimes watch


65、你这样过周末很轻松哦!(spend) It’s relaxing ___________________.

66、她是中等身高,有着金黄色长的直发。 She ____________ and she ____________.


I __________________ . You can meet him ____________________.

68、你最喜欢的男演员或女演员长什么样子? What ________________ look like?

69、一些人告诉乔罪犯长什么样子。 Some people tell Joe


70、乔画出罪犯的画像,并且警察局把它登在报纸和电视上来寻找他。 Joe draws ____________ the criminal, and the police



He wants to draw a good picture _______________, but this job




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