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编辑:ruan18650468816  成考报名   发布时间:10-31    阅读:



  [1]There is a small Chinatown at the heart of the theatre and cinema district in Soho. A pedestrian street has Chinese gateways given by the Hong Kong business community, plus traditional lion statues and a monument. Shops and restaurants supply mixtures of Chinese and western food, the more genuine ones with menus in Chinese as well as English, but most customers eat with a knife and fork.

  译文:在索霍的影剧院区域中心有一个小小的中国城。那是一条步行街,街上有香港商界捐赠的中国式牌楼,还有传统的狮子雕像和纪念碑。商店和餐馆供应中西合璧 的食品。那些更正宗的中国餐馆,其菜谱则用中文和英文书写,但多数顾客都用刀叉吃饭。

  [2]Until a few years ago Chinatown residents spoke Cantonese but nowadays you are likely to hear Mandarin as well. Travel agents advertise tours to Beijing and the Great Wall and one shop specialises in Shaolin kung fu equipment. Each year at the Spring Festival, London's Chinese Culture Association hosts a celebration in nearby Leicester Square with Chinese music, dancing and martial arts that attracts crowds of visitors and is featured on the local TV news.

  译文:几年前这儿的中国人只说广东话,而现在你有可能也听到人们讲普通话。各旅 行社贴着去北京和长城旅游的海报。有一家商店还专门出售少林功夫的行头。每年春 节,伦敦中国文化协会都在附近的雷斯特广场举行庆祝会,表演中国民族音乐、舞蹈 和武术,吸引了许多人驻足观赏,当地的电视台也进行报道。

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