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第一节听下面5个句子。根据所听内容选择合适的图片,并将其标号填入题号后的横 线上。每个句子读两遍。


( )6. How often does Tony's sister go shopping?

A. Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week.

( )7. Where did Ben go on vacation?

A. To the mountain. B.To the farm. C.To the beach.

( )8. Who often helps Laura when she meets problems?

A. Her friend. B.Her mother. C.Her teacher.

( )9. Why is Jeans Comer the best clothes store?

A. Because it has the cheapest clothes.

B. Because it has the most popular clothes.

C. Because it has the most beautiful clothes.

( )10. How much salt do they need?

A. 2.5 spoons. B.2 spoons. C.1.5 spoons.



( )11. What's Bruce going to do after exercising with his father?

A. Do his homework. B.Ride to his home. C.Write articles.

( )12. When is he going to watch the videos?

A. In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.


( )13. How is the weather?

A. Hot. B.Warm. C.Cool.

( )14. Which is the largest swimming pool?

A. Green Swimming Pool. B.Center Swimming Pool.

C.Park Swimming Pool.

( )15. Why don't Dennis and his mother choose Green Swimming Pool?

A. Because the ticket is expensive. B.Because the service is very bad.

C. Because there are too many people.

第四节听下面一段对话,回答第16至第20五个小题。从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项 中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。对话读两遍。

( )16. Whose computer did Peter use?

A. His brother's. B.His father's. C.His mother's.

( )17. Where did it fall?

A. Into the food. B.Into the lake. C.Into the river.

( )18, How much is it?

A. 2,900 yuan. B.3,000 yuan. C.3,100 yuan.

( )19. When did the woman see a help wanted paper?

A. Yesterday. B.The day before yesterday.C.Last week.

( )20. How much will Peter get every month if he takes the job?

A, 500 yuan. B.600 yuan. C.700 yuan.



( )21. --Dr, you know tennis very well.

A. A;/ B. an; the C. the; the D. the; /

( )22. "I'll buy you a new computer for your birthday gift." His mother made the

A. promise B. preparation C. report D. discussion

( A. paper B. magazines C. news D. cameras

( )24. --Did you go shopping last Saturday:l --Of course! I bought for my parents, but nothing for myself.

A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

( )25.--How does Anna

--She joined an English club last term, and she watches English movies

once a wee .

A. choose B. improve C. refuse D. Share

( )26. --What do you always do in your free time?

--I in the park to relax myself.

A. bring out B. find out C. hang out D. blow out

( )27. It's important to listen with your ears and heart.

A.loudly B. probably C. finally D. quietly


A. although B. because C. unless D. if

( )29. --H.ow terrible it is!

--Yes. We couldn't see anything about our city at the top of the

Mount Taihang.

A. inside B. below C. during D. through

( to the Longyuanhu Park to run on New

Year's Day every year.

A. come B. comes C. came D. will come

( )31. I A. see B. sees C. saw D. am going to see

( )32. --Many travelers come to visit our Yuntai Mountain.

--Yes. It seems to be one of places in China now. ( )28. The environment will be even worse we play a part in saving the

A. less popular B. more popular

C. most popular D. the most popular

( her a surprise.

A. will give B. give C. gave D. to give

( )34. To prepare for the singing competition, students decided singing after school.


A. practice B. practicing C. practiced D. to practice

( )35. --We will have a housewarming party on Sunday. Can you come?【焦作市初二下学期英语考试答案】

-- A. That sounds great B. I'm afraid not

C. Yes, I'd love to D. Sorry to hear that


先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个可以填人相应空白处的 最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。

One day Jack's wife was cleaning out a closet(壁橱 umbrella shop and have them mended(修理)," Jack said.

them there.4'They'll be

tomorrow,"the shopkeeper said. That evening Jack went home from the office by as usual. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor near his stop, he picked up her umbrella and . "hey!" the woman said. "That's my umbrella!”“I'm sorry," Jack said, and at thegave the umbrella to her. "I wasn't thinking. Please excuse me.

the bus. As he sat down, a voice (声音)behind said, "You certainly have a successful day!” He turned around and saw the old woman whose umbrella he had almost taken the day before.

( )36. A. umbrellas B. clocks C. clothes D. books ( )37. A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine

( )38. A. talked B. bought C. heard D. left

( )39. A. ready B. common C. simple D. old

( )40. A. train B. bus C. taxi D. car

( )41. A. got B. arrived C. reached D. went

( )42. A. stayed up B. stood up C. put up D. grew up

( )43. A. same B. different C. next D. long

( )44. A. on B. to C. from D. with

( )45. A. him B. her C. them D. me 凹、阅读理解(15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

读 阅下面三篇语言材,然后按文后要求做题 。


Tommy disliked school and was always looking for excuses(借口)not to go. If he sneezed(打喷嚏), he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a flu. He alwayshome than at school,

When he had to go to school, he looked for excuses to come home early.

One day he came home from school in the middle of the morning. His father was surprised.

"You're home early," he said. "Is the school closed today?"

"No, Dad," Tommy said. "It's open. I came home early."

"How did you do that?" his father asked him. "What did you say to the teacher?" "I told her that I had a new baby brother and that I had to come home and help you."

"But your mother has had twins(双胞胎)," his father said, "a boy and a girl. You've got a baby brother and a baby sister."

"Yes, I know, Dad," Tommy said,"I'm saving up my baby sister for next week." asked his mother to take him to the doctor during school hours. He spent more time at


( .

A. it made him sneeze B.he had a baby brother

C. he was too busy D. he didn't like it

( .

A. at home B.at school C.at the doctor's D.in bed

( .

A. was always late B.tried to leave early

C. was often hard-working D. was always m

( A. they were very young

B.they were not at home

C. he didn't know about them

D. he wanted to keep one of them for another excuse

( A. hard-working B.lazy C.quiet D.good


In most part.s of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join "environment clubs". In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.

Students often do the following things,

●No -garbage(垃圾)Lunches. How much do you throw away(扔掉)after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in reused bags. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and show them to the whole school! ●No-Car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car! Cars give pollution to our air,so remember: walk, jump, bike or run. Use your legs! It's lots of fun!

●Tum off the water! Did you know that some toilets(坐便器)can waste lots of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend(修理)those broken toilets.

We love our environment. Let's work together to make it clean.


( .

A. to run to school every day B.to take exercise every day

C. not to forget to take cars D.not to throw away lunch bags


A. at school B.in shops C.in clubs D.in hotels


( A. nobody B.only students

C. only teachers D.both students and teachers




一、听力理解( 20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

1~5 BACCB 6~10 ACABC 11~15 ACBBA 16~20 DEBAC


21~25 CBDAA 26~30 CACDD

36~40 BCACD 41~45 BBDAC


46~50 CCBAD 51~55 ABBCD 56~60 ACBCD 61~65 CBADE


66. travel(l)ing 67. for 68. interesting 69. so 70. could

71. fact 72. countries 73. started 74. really 75. leave


76. Would you like to go with us?

77. I don’t think so./ I don’t think it’s going to rain.

78. How far is Yueji Park from here?/ Is Yueji Park far from here?

79. That’s right.

80. Let’s go by bike.


The summer vacation is coming. I have a lot of things to do.

I’m going to have a good rest and relax myself. Maybe I’ll go to Hainan Island with my family. I’d like to do more reading because reading is both interesting and helpful. I will spend more time with my parents. I’ll chat with them or go to the movies with them. And I’m going to do some housework at home. I think it’s also important to take exercise and keep healthy.

I’m sure I’ll have a wonderful vacation.


31~35 BCBBD 三、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)











河南省焦作市2014-2015学年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版



第一节听下面5个句子。根据所听内容选择合适的图片,并将其标号填入题号后的横 线上。每个句子读两遍。

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


( )6. How often does Tony's sister go shopping?

A. Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week.

( )7. Where did Ben go on vacation?

A. To the mountain. B.To the farm. C.To the beach.

( )8. Who often helps Laura when she meets problems?

A. Her friend. B.Her mother. C.Her teacher.

( )9. Why is Jeans Comer the best clothes store?

A. Because it has the cheapest clothes.

B. Because it has the most popular clothes. C. Because it has the most beautiful clothes.

( )10. How much salt do they need?

A. 2.5 spoons. B.2 spoons. C.1.5 spoons.



( )11. What's Bruce going to do after exercising with his father?

A. Do his homework. B.Ride to his home. C.Write articles.

( )12. When is he going to watch the videos?

A. In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.


( )13. How is the weather?

A. Hot. B.Warm. C.Cool.

( )14. Which is the largest swimming pool?

A. Green Swimming Pool. B.Center Swimming Pool.

C.Park Swimming Pool.

( )15. Why don't Dennis and his mother choose Green Swimming Pool?

A. Because the ticket is expensive. B.Because the service is very bad.

C. Because there are too many people.

第四节听下面一段对话,回答第16至第20五个小题。从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项 中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。对话读两遍。

( )16. Whose computer did Peter use?

A. His brother's. B.His father's. C.His mother's.

( )17. Where did it fall?

A. Into the food. B.Into the lake. C.Into the river.

( )18, How much is it?

A. 2,900 yuan. B.3,000 yuan. C.3,100 yuan.

( )19. When did the woman see a help wanted paper?

A. Yesterday. B.The day before yesterday.C.Last week.

( )20. How much will Peter get every month if he takes the job?

A, 500 yuan. B.600 yuan. C.700 yuan.


从四个选项中选出_A1最佳答案,并将其标~-填A题前括号内。 ( )21. --Dr, you know girl with long hair? --She is Sally's sister, She can play tennis very well.【焦作市初二下学期英语考试答案】

A. A;/ B. an; the C. the; the D. the; /

( )22. "I'll buy you a new computer for your birthday gift." His mother made the

A. promise B. preparation C. report D. discussion ( )23. Now we can get in different ways. But we only knew it on TV before.

A. paper B. magazines C. news D. cameras

( )24. --Did you go shopping last Saturday:l --Of course! I bought for my parents, but nothing for myself.

A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing ( )25.--How does Anna her English?

--She joined an English club last term, and she watches English movies once a wee .

A. choose B. improve C. refuse D. Share

( )26. --What do you always do in your free time? --I in the park to relax myself.

A. bring out B. find out C. hang out D. blow out ( )27. It's important to listen with your ears and heart.

A.loudly B. probably C. finally D. quietly ( )28. The environment will be even worse we play a part in saving the earth.

A. although B. because C. unless D. if

( )29. --H.ow terrible it is! --Yes. We couldn't see anything about our city at the top of the Mount Taihang.

A. inside B. below C. during D. through ( )30. Thousands of people to the Longyuanhu Park to run on New

Year's Day every year.

A. come B. comes C. came D. will come ( )31. I so many stars in the sky at night on the way to Tibet last summer.

A. see B. sees C. saw D. am going to see

( )32. --Many travelers come to visit our Yuntai Mountain. --Yes. It seems to be one of places in China now.

A. less popular B. more popular

C. most popular D. the most popular ( )33. If my best friend from America comes, I her a surprise.

A. will give B. give C. gave D. to give ( )34. To prepare for the singing competition, students decided singing after school.

A. practice B. practicing C. practiced D. to practice

( )35. --We will have a housewarming party on Sunday. Can you come? -- . I have the flu,

A. That sounds great B. I'm afraid not

C. Yes, I'd love to D. Sorry to hear that


先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个可以填人相应空白处的 最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。

One day Jack's wife was cleaning out a closet(壁橱)."Look at all these 36 ,” she.said to Jack."There are_ _37 and they are all broken." "I'll take them to the umbrella shop and have them mended(修理)," Jack said. Jack took the eight umbrellas to the shop and 38 them there.4'They'll be

39 tomorrow,"the shopkeeper said. That evening Jack went home from the office by 40 as usual. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor near her. When the bus 41 his stop, he picked up her umbrella and 42 . "hey!" the woman said. "That's my umbrella!”“I'm sorry," Jack said, and at the 43 time he gave the umbrella to her. "I wasn't thinking. Please excuse me. The next day he got back the umbrellas 44 the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a voice (声音)behind 45 said, "You certainly have a successful day!” He turned around and saw the old woman whose umbrella he had almost taken the day before.

( )36. A. umbrellas B. clocks C. clothes D. books

( )37. A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine

( )38. A. talked B. bought C. heard D. left

( )39. A. ready B. common C. simple D. old

( )40. A. train B. bus C. taxi D. car

( )41. A. got B. arrived C. reached D. went

( )42. A. stayed up B. stood up C. put up D. grew up

( )43. A. same B. different C. next D. long

( )44. A. on B. to C. from D. with ( )45. A. him B. her C. them D. me


读 阅下面三篇语言材,然后按文后要求做题 。

A Tommy disliked school and was always looking for excuses(借口)not to go. If he sneezed(打喷嚏), he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a flu. He always asked his mother to take him to the doctor during school hours. He spent more time at home than at school,

When he had to go to school, he looked for excuses to come home early.

One day he came home from school in the middle of the morning. His father was surprised. "You're home early," he said. "Is the school closed today?"

"No, Dad," Tommy said. "It's open. I came home early."

"How did you do that?" his father asked him. "What did you say to the teacher?" "I told her that I had a new baby brother and that I had to come home and help you."

"But your mother has had twins(双胞胎)," his father said, "a boy and a girl. You've got a baby brother and a baby sister."

"Yes, I know, Dad," Tommy said,"I'm saving up my baby sister for next week."

根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )46. Tommy tried to find excuses for not going to school because .

A. it made him sneeze B.he had a baby brother

C. he was too busy D. he didn't like it ( )47. Tommy spent most of his time .

A. at home B.at school C.at the doctor's D.in bed ( )48. When he had to go to school, he .

A. was always late B.tried to leave early

C. was often hard-working D. was always m ( )49. He did not tell his teacher about the twins because .

A. they were very young

B.they were not at home

C. he didn't know about them

D. he wanted to keep one of them for another excuse ( )50. From the passage, we can learn that Tommy was a boy.

A. hard-working B.lazy C.quiet D.good


In most part.s of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join "environment clubs". In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.

Students often do the following things,

●No -garbage(垃圾)Lunches. How much do you throw away(扔掉)after lunch?

Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in reused bags. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and show them to the whole school! ●No-Car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car! Cars give

pollution to our air,so remember: walk, jump, bike or run. Use your legs! It's lots of fun!

●Tum off the water! Did you know that some toilets(坐便器)can waste lots of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend(修理)those broken toilets. We love our environment. Let's work together to make it clean.

根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )51. Environment clubs ask students .

A. to run to school every day B.to take exercise every day

C. not to forget to take cars D.not to throw away lunch bags ( )52. From the passage, we know the students usually have lunch .

A. at school B.in shops C.in clubs D.in hotels ( )53. On a no-car day, will take a car to school.

A. nobody B.only students

C. only teachers D.both students and teachers









1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4._________ 5. _________



( ) 6. What’s the man going to do?

A. To buy some medicine. B. To see the doctor. C. To stay at home.

( ) 7. When is the man going hiking?

A. Tomorrow. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.

( ) 8. What’s Gina like?

A. She is more athletic. B. She is funnier. C. She is much quieter.

( ) 9. How many children are there in the family?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three.

( ) 10.What did the woman do yesterday?

A. She went to see her son.

B. She bought some food.

C. She went shopping with her little son.




( ) 11. Why was Jim late again?

A. Because his bike was broken.

B. Because he got back home for his homework.

C. Because he got up late.

( ) 12. What’s the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Mom and son. C. Friends.


( ) 13. What does Mary want to be in the future?

A. A singer. B. An artist. C. A reporter.

( ) 14. Where is Mary going to move in the future?

A. To Paris. B. To New York. C. To London.

( ) 15. Who is Mary going to live with?【焦作市初二下学期英语考试答案】

A. Her sister. B. Her friends. C. Her parents.


二、单项选择 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分)


( ) 21.Liu Ying is my friend. She’s not as good ______ sports as her sister.

A. for B. at C. in D. on

( ) 22. ―I like drinking______ very much.

― Me, too. And it is good for our health.

A. sandwiches B. bread C. chocolate D. milk









1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4._________ 5. _________



( ) 6. What’s the man going to do?

A. To buy some medicine. B. To see the doctor. C. To stay at home.

( ) 7. When is the man going hiking?

A. Tomorrow. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.

( ) 8. What’s Gina like?

A. She is more athletic. B. She is funnier. C. She is much quieter.

( ) 9. How many children are there in the family?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three.

( ) 10.What did the woman do yesterday?

A. She went to see her son.

B. She bought some food.

C. She went shopping with her little son.




( ) 11. Why was Jim late again?

A. Because his bike was broken.

B. Because he got back home for his homework.

C. Because he got up late.

( ) 12. What’s the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Mom and son. C. Friends.


( ) 13. What does Mary want to be in the future?

A. A singer. B. An artist. C. A reporter.

( ) 14. Where is Mary going to move in the future?

A. To Paris. B. To New York. C. To London.

( ) 15. Who is Mary going to live with?

A. Her sister. B. Her friends. C. Her parents.


二、单项选择 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分)


( ) 21.Liu Ying is my friend. She’s not as good ______ sports as her sister.

A. for B. at C. in D. on

( ) 22. ―I like drinking______ very much.

― Me, too. And it is good for our health.

A. sandwiches B. bread C. chocolate D. milk



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