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Are you happy教学设计

Unit 3 Are you happy?

Period 1


Look and learn, Play a game, Culture corner


1、学会表示感觉的单词:happy, sad, thirsty, full, hungry, tired。

2、通过造句活动,巩固所学词汇,能用I’m happy/…表达自己的感觉。

3、通过猜谜游戏活动,能用Are you…?询问别人的感觉。



学会表示感觉的单词:happy, sad, thirsty, full, hungry, tired;能用I’m happy/…表达自己的感觉。


能用Are you…?询问别人的感觉,并作出回答。





Have a chant.(组长先示范读,组员再读。)

Can you? Can you? Can you swim?


Yes, yes, yes, I can.

No, no, no, I can’t.

Can you? Can you? Can you run?

Yes, yes, yes, I can.

No, no, no, I can’t.

Can you? Can you? Can you jump?

Yes, yes, yes, I can.

No, no, no, I can’t.



T: Look at these people. How do they feel? What about this little baby?

Ss: 开心。

T: Yes. She is happy. Happy.

Ss: Happy.【are,you,happy练习题】

T: H-A-P-P-Y, happy. (板书:happy)

Ss: T: H-A-P-P-Y, happy.

2、以同样的方法学习sad, thirsty, full, hungry, tired。


4、Make sentences。根据老师出示的单词卡片,学生用I’m … 来造句。



(1)I do you guess. 老师请一个同学到台前做表情,其他同学来猜。用Are you…?询问别人的感觉,这个同学要作出相应的回答。

(2)Look and answer. 四人一组玩游戏,一人抽取图片,另外三人用Are you …?询问,根据图片回答问题。


Read and complete. (读句子,根据句意在横线上填上合适的形容词。)

I have a new bag. I am ________. .

I run and run. I am ________. .

I ate(吃) two hamburgers(汉堡包). I am ________. I can’t draw. I am ________.

I am ________.I want(想,要) a big cake.

I am ________.I want some water (水) .


In our life , everyone should learn to concerned others, learn to share happiness and sadness with friends. (在我们的生活中,我们要学会关心别人,学会与朋友分享快乐,也要分担朋友的忧伤。)

在别人不开心的时候,我们可以用I’m sorry. It’s too bad.来表示同情。那么请同学们想一想:在哪些情况下会用到I’m sorry. It’s too bad.这样的表述?


唱歌曲“If you’re happy”,播放歌曲时教师带领学生一边唱一边 3



Unit 3 Are you happy?

happy I’m… sad Are you…?

Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

4 thirsty full hungry tired

4A Unit 3 《Are you happy?》

《Are you happy?》教学设计

席张小学 姚倩 Topic :Are you happy ?

Objectives:happy sad hungry full thirsty tired

Structures:I’m happy.

“Are you happy? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.”

Teaching Aids :word cards computer



T: Good morning, boys and girls.


S: Good morning,Miss Yao.

2) Warm up & Revision

Enjoy a song

if you are happy.


3) Presentation

1. Introduce

Today, there are many teachers in our classroom, so, I feel very happy. Are you happy? (导入)

2.New lesson:(授新)

T:(show the picture of a boy who is smiling )


The boy is smiling. He is happy.

(Point to the girl is crying) Is the girl happy?

Ss: No, she isn’t.

T: No, she’s not happy. She’s sad. S-A-D, sad.

Why is she sad? Maybe……

She is hungry.


Pupils listen to the radio and read after the tape.

The same method granted remaining three words of the new.

Activity: boys & girls 、 group 1 &group 2 、two times、one by one

大小声 吹气球 闪卡(操练)

3. Sentences

I have a new ball. I’m ____.

Are you happy?

I play my new basketball. I’m ____.

Are you tired?

I eat two cakes. I’m ____.

Are you full?

I can’t write. I’m ____.

Are you sad?

I want a big cake. I’m _____.

Are you hungry?

I want some water. I’m _____.

Are you thirsty?

4. Homework【are,you,happy练习题】

1. Tell your parents your feelings.

2. Copy these words and sentences.

5. Blackboard design

Are you happy?

happy sad hungry full

thirsty tired

4AUnit 2 Are you happy

Module2 Me , my family and friends

Unit 2 Are you happy?


sing and act\read and answer\say and act


1.学唱歌曲“ Are you happy?”\学会句型Is Kitty hungry or full?\How are you today?的正确使用和回答。




学会句型Is Kitty hungry or full?\How are you today?的正确使用和回答。【are,you,happy练习题】




1、热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)





2、呈现新课 (Presentation) Sing and act

教师在黑板上贴上生日蛋糕的图片,并画一些花边来点缀黑板。请过生日的学生(请一女生戴上kitty头饰)走到讲台前。同时播放歌曲 Happy Birthday to you!


(2)教师播放sing and act磁带,教师引导学生边听边看课本,结合课文插图和歌词理解歌曲内容。

(3)教师播放sing and act部分的录音,学生跟唱,并作出相应的动作。

(4)全体学生与kitty一起唱 “Are you happy? ”并动作。

(5)教师引导自编歌词。例如:Are you happy? Do you know it? Shake your body. „„ Read and answer

课件出示课本上人物图片,同桌相互指认人物,知道谁是kitty\谁是ben\谁是sam \„

(1)教师范例:Is kitty hungry or full?给出卡片hungry和full引导学生看人物图片回答:She is hungry.课件引导按照课文编排循序完成练习1至8。


(3)课堂汇报,并进行评价。 Say and act

(1)教师引导学生读课本Say and act部分的范例,学习理解句型How are you today?





完成Work book练习部分11页和granmmar practice book部分18页练习


Unit 2 Are you happy?

Are you happy?

Is Kitty hungry or full?

She is ...

How are you today?


Are you happy

Are you happy 1

The society is developing quickly. Majority of us worked all day ,losing hobbies,love,friendship and so on,just spare whole life to make money. I really want to know,are you happy?

Recently i often observe people on the street. So many people wear Buddha beads 佛珠 on their hands, but few of them are buddhist. I do not think it just a kind of decoration. the buddha beads stay between decoration and a belief. In the buddha beads ,it has a many story, but no body talks.

What is under the silence?

People are facing 3 questions. Their order can not be changed. Human should deal problems between human and material first, then we should deal problems between human,between ourselves, at last we should know how to fave own heart.

When we were children ,we studied hard just want to go a college to get different knowledge .and then working for the house ,car, job ,money and so on. At the same time,we gradually have different roles, we play roles as son ,classmate ,leader or become somebody’s

boss, become somebody’s friend ,become somebody’s enemy. So many problems between us .how to deal with them?

As time goes by ,we can see the endless of the life. Everything can be changed.but we can not changed the endless.we feel sad ,anxious.how to face our heart?

If you think deeply ,so many questions need us to face.

The reform is lasting 34 years. At the beginning of the reform, people thought the happiness will accompany with the better material life . So we settle goals like achieve modernization and have enough to eat and wear. We put happiness on the material future. Today , majority of goals are achieved,but where is the happiness? We used what to solace our heart. Everyone is complaining,the people who stand in tower are complaining , the poor are complaining, the rich are complain.people might become more anxious. And an unsafe feeling effected people in society as a kind of disease.the man in power afraid the public do something ,the public afraid the leader do some bad things.the rich afraid their wealth whether can be

protected,and the poor don’t know when they can be rich ,their children’s circumstance whether can be better.

In this conditions,happiness become a big problem. So we put forward building harmonious society . This is the method to deal with problem between human beings . But each one how to face their heart? Where is the home of spirit? And what should we believe, RMB?where should we go?

Our pains and anxiety ,the restlessly feeling in the society. Are they connect with this? In some ways,we got everything, except happiness.

Happiness,it become the most important problem.and it become the most important goal.

However, where is happiness?we did not know where is happiness ,but the unfortunate is everywhere.

The principles of society are broken constantly. The milk can have poison. We cheated others in order to get more money. People regard other people as ladders,so long as the can get benefit. Idea become a ridiculous words,no body cares.

Someone said that we should insist our principle. But where is the principle and what is principle ?

We thought a man who is good must have below characters,such as ;kind , politely, honest and brave. Generally speaking,I can not agree with that. It is ridiculous to give person a high assessment who just has the basic character.我认为这些都是人得基本品质,不应称赞为好. That just the lowest standards. When the lowest standard can be thought is excellent, I want to know where our underscore is and where the societys’ underscore is . if this can be express as good, what is great?

先发您五百五,,您给看看,诶,底子太差了,各种巧合念了英教,大一玩了一年,,,现在学也不知到来的及不, 狗屁不通写得,您费心。

Are you happy

Are you happy

Recently, CCTV journalists have approached pedestrians with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question: “Are you happy?”

The simple question has caught many of the interviewee confused. They did not know how to measure happiness. Even Moyan, the 2012 Nobel price winner in literature gave his respond: I don not know, I have never thought about this question. He added: happiness is that I do not need to do anything; have a healthy body; no more metal pressure. But, now I am under a lot of pressure. How can I be happy? But if I said I am not happy, you would not believe for I just won the Nobel price. So Moyan told the media the he does not know whether he is happy or not.

While the question has become a buzz phrase and the Internet plays host to heated discussions, we ask: What exactly is happiness? And how do you measure it?

Some students of the college also held the interview to know if they were happy or not. Some students said they were not happy because they were under a lot of pressure, for example, they were under high pressure of seeking for a good job, study,

emotion and the unpromising future. Some students thought that they are happy because they did not have a big desire; they do not ask too much. Some students thought that happiness is elusive and that there is no single source. It also means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be as simple as having enough cash to buy a new bicycle; for others, it’s about socializing or finding the perfect spouse.

It seems that the definition of happiness is not clear enough. However, it does not mean that we can identify our own happiness. For me, I think, how much happiness is not your decent house, but the laughter in the house how sweet. How much happiness is not your luxury car, but you can arrive at home safely. How much happiness is not how beautiful your wife is, but how sweet laughter of your wife that gives to you? Happiness is not the cheers when you succeed, but the encouragement and trust when you fail. Happiness is not the sugared words that you have heard, but the voice telling you not to be upset when you are depressed.

Sometimes, we human beings just demand so much that we can not feel happy about our life. In fact, happiness has already accompanied us. And just because some unreal thing in our lines of sight, which makes we see nothing is happy in life.

So, ask little and not to be too hard at ourselves and others, then we will feel to be happy is so easy.

其他主题 外国语学院 英语1104 黄娇迷 联系方式13297974003

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