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七年级Unit5 Our School Life教学设计方案及媒体分析


英语七年级下仁爱湘教版Unit5Our School Life全单元教学设计

Unit 5 Our School Life

Topic 1 How do you usually come to school?

Section A【our,school,life教案】

Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1.(1) Learn some ways of transportation:

by bike, by subway, by bus, on foot, by plane, by car, by train, by ship, by boat

(2) Learn other new words and phrases:

gate, the same to, come on, go to school, Ms., grandmother, group

2. Learn adverbs of frequency:

often, usually, always

3. Review the present simple tense.

—Do you often come to school by bike?

—Yes. I do./No, I don’t.

4. Talk about how to go to school.

—How do you usually come to school?

—I usually come to school by subway./I always come to school by bus.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)


1. (师生互相问好, 复习学过的问候语。)

T: Good morning, everyone!

Ss: Good morning, madam/sir!

T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. Happy New Year!



Ss: Happy New Year!

T: We can also say, “The same to you!”

(自然引入“The same to you!”并练习强化。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)


1. (用事先准备好的模型、教学图片或简笔画给学生展示bike,由此导入本课重点:交通方式。如下图。)

2. (用同样的方式教学其他交通工具,并板书相关词组。)




T: I come to school by bus.

S1: I come to school by bike.


go to school。) (3)(询问两名学生上学所使用的交通方式, 用usually, always和often作替换练习, 并示范汇报结果。)

T: S3T: S4, do you usually come to school by bus? S4T: …

T: Good. S34 usually comes to school on foot. S5comes to school by bus … OK. Work in groups of three to practice like that.

2. (呈现1a并学习对交通方式的提问。)



. Are you ready? Ss: Yes.

T: OK, let’s begin.


(2)(核对答案, 提取重点句型。)

T: Who can answer the first question?

S1: I can. They meet at the school gate.

T: Well done. What about the answer to Question 2?

S2T: Good. Next question?

S3: Jane always comes to school by bus.

T: Good job.【our,school,life教案】


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)


1. (再播放1a的录音,跟读并模仿语音和语调。)

T: Listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

2. (人机对话,即学生和录音机对话,提高学生兴趣。)

T: Now, suppose you are Helen and Jane. Listen to the tape, and make a dialog with Kangkang. Are you clear?

3. (完成1c, 让学生三人一组, 练习1a的对话。要求他们仿照1a与同伴编类似的对话。) T: Now, boys and girls, please practice 1a in groups of three and make similar dialogs with your partners. Then I will ask some groups to act them out.

4. (选几组表演他们的成果。)

T: Which group can act your dialog out?

G1: We can. (表演对话。)

T: Wonderful! Anyone else?

G2: We can. (表演对话。)


Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)


1. (让学生将2a中与图片相对应的短语代码填入圆圈中。)

T: Just now we talked about the means of transportation. Now let’s look at the pictures in 2a.

Then match the pictures with the corresponding phrases. Do you understand?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Good. Let’s begin!

2. (核对答案。)

3. (让学生听录音, 完成2b。掌握生词Ms.和grandmother。)

T: Next, we will have a listening practice. Let’s find out how people come to school or come to work. Do you understand?

Ss: Yes, we do.


Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:15分钟)

用表达交通工具的名词和频度副词进行实践调查, 完成3。

1. (使用多媒体课件、flash动画或简笔画, 让学生展开想象, 任意造句子, 要求用上交通工具的表达用语和频度副词。)

T: Let’s look at the pictures. I’m sure you are interested in these lovely pictures. Please make sentences as you like, and don’t forget to use these means of transportation and adverbs of frequency. Are you ready? Go!

2. (让学生分组做一个关于how to come to school的调查报告并完成3。调查时,强调用“How do you usually come to school?”和“I usually come to school…”句型,掌握生词group。) T: Please report your results to your classmates.

S1: In our group, three students come to school by bike…

S2: In our group …

S3: …


3. (家庭作业。)


(2)(预习Section B, 注意其中的频度副词。)


本课我们学习了介词by表示“用,靠;通过,借助于(方式、手段)”时的用法。如:by car, by plane, by ship等。

用来表示交通方式的介词还有in和on。如:in a car, on a bus等。此时交通工具前要加限定词。但on foot意为“步行;走”。foot前不需任何限定词,foot也不能用复数。(建议:教师可在总结课上或练习课上补充。)

Section B


Section B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求

1. Learn some new words and phrases:

weekday, early, bird, catch, walk, ride, park, do (one’s) homework, watch TV

2. (1)Go on learning adverbs of frequency:

seldom, never, sometimes

(2)Review the present simple tense.

I always get up at about six o’clock.

Li Xiang often comes to school by bike.

3. Go on learning adverbs of frequency and the means of transportation in different expressions.

(1) I seldom walk to school.

I never go to school by subway.

(2) —How does Maria go home?

—She sometimes goes home by subway. / She sometimes takes the subway home.

4. Encourage the students to be diligent.

The early bird catches the worm.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)


1. (链式发问。每竖排第一个学生问其后第二个学生一个有关交通方式的问题, 第二个学生回答并接着问第三个学生„„以此类推。每组2分钟时间。问题是:How do you usually go to school?/ Do you often go to school by bus/car…?)


S1: How do you usually go to school?

S2: I usually go to school by bike. How do you usually go to school?

S3: I usually go to school by bus. Do you often go to school by car?

S4: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

2. (根据第1环节的实际情况, 老师总结并导出对话1a的语言功能目标, 为下一步过渡做铺垫。)

T: Good. Now I know some of you come to school by bike, and some come to school by bus… train.

3. (板书并讲解以下频度副词。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)


1. (通过了解学生的起床时间, 引出谚语The early bird catches the worm。让学生猜测这句谚语的意思。)

T: OK, boys and girls, what time do you usually get up?

S1: I usually get up at half past six.

S2: …

T: Yes, we should go to bed early and get up early. As the saying goes, “” Who knows the meaning of this sentence?

) , 让学生带着任务听1a的录音, 可以提高兴趣、降低难度。)

T: Listen to 1a and find out the answers to these questions on the blackboard.


school life教案

Unit 1 School life

Period 1 Welcome to the unit

I. Background information:40 Senior high school students,Grade 1

II.Lesson duration:45 mins

Ⅲ.Teaching aims:

1. Get students to know the different high school lives between the UK and China.

2. Develop students’ speaking ability by discussing daily school life and reporting school activities.

Ⅳ.Teaching contents:


2.vocabulary of school life.

Ⅴ.Teaching aids:

blackboard ,chalk,PPT,pictures,

Ⅵ.Type of the lesson:speaking,vocabulary

Ⅶ.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Warming up(5 mins)

Let some students make a brief self-introduction.

1.Introduce themselves.

2.Say something about their senior high school life.

3. Pair work: brain storm:

When we are talking about our school life, what will we probably think of?

What words or phrases will we use to describe our school life?

Step 2 Presentation(10mins)

1. Say the following to students:

It’s the beginning of the new term. You’ve just finished your junior high and are about to enter a new period in your studies. I am happy to give your lessons and I hope we can be friends.

I can see that some of your are eager to know what studying at senior high will be like. Will it be different from junior high? Well, there are certainly many differences

between junior high and senior high, but there are also some things that are the same in every school in China.

What about schools in other countries? Do you have different experiences? Are schools all over the world the same? This is the subject of our first unit.

2.Let the students watch a video about the UK students’life in senior high school. Ask students to tell about school life in the UK .

3Here are four pictures that show some aspects of school life in the UK. Please read the instructions, look at the pictures: what's the difference between schools in China and the UK?

Step 3 Discussion(25mins)

1 Ask students the following questions to talk about the words in the four pictures: Huge campus and low-rise buildings

What does huge mean?

What does low-rise mean?

What about campus and school buildings in China?

(Schools in China usually have a large enough campus to make sure students have enough space to study and play. But most school buildings have at least 3 stores.) Lockers for every student

Do you know what a locker is?

(There are rows of lockers by the classrooms for students to put their books, exercise-books and other belongings.)

What do you think about locker for students?

Do you think that we should have such locker in our school? Why or Why not? Fewer students in each class

How many students are there in our class?

Do you know the number of students in a class in the UK?

At ease with our teacher

What can we know from this picture?

What does the word ease mean? What do you think the phrase at ease mean? Were you getting on well with the teacher when you were in junior high?


What relationship do you want to have with your teachers in senior high?

2 Ask students to work in groups to talk about the four pictures and the differences between schools in the UK and China. Then ask several students to report their discussion to the whole class.

3. Ask students to discuss the three questions in pairs, and them ask some of them to report their answers to the questions to the whole class.

What is your dream school life like?

What kind of school activities do you enjoy?

What do you think of your life here in the new school?

Step 4 Summary and Homework(5mins)

Today we’ve mainly talked about the differences between the high school lives in the UK and in China. After class you should:

1) Recall all the new words and expressions that we learn in this lesson.

2) Find more about any other differences between the high school lives in the UK and in China, either by surf the Internet or by reading some articles in newspapers or magazines.

3) Preview the following part: reading (page 2 to page 4).


Huge campus & low-rise buildings

Lockers for every student

Small class sizes

A lot of outdoor activities

【新版】仁爱版七年英语下册《Unit 5 Our School Life》教案1

新仁爱版七年英语下册《Unit 5 Our School Life》教案1 学习目标:

1. 学习频度副词和一些交通方式的表达方式;

How do you usually come to school?

I usually come to school by subway.

2. 能够用一般现在时讨论交通方式。


一. 自主学习(试试看,你一定是最棒的,加油!)

I.读P1 1a,回答问题。

(1)Where do Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet?


(2)How does Helen usually come to school?


(3)How does Jane always come to school?

_________________________________________________________________ II. 完成Section A, 1b和2a


语言点导学:( language points )

1. ---How do you usually come to school?

---I usually come to school by subway.

How 引导的特殊疑问句,对交通方式进行提问,通常用by + 交通工具的单数名词(不加冠词 the, a , an )“乘坐……”。

by subway 乘地铁 by taxi 坐的士

by plane乘飞机 by train 坐火车

on foot 步行,走路

go to…on foot = walk to

Eg: I often go to school on foot =I often walk to school.

同样,go to….by bike = ride a bike to go to…. by car = drive a car to go to … by plane = fly to go to… by bus = take a bus to


⑴ by引导的短语不能在句中作谓语,只能用作方式状语,与go/come /get等动词连用。 ⑵ 如果交通工具前有the ,one’s等限定词,介词不用by ,需用in 或on。 Eg: on the train, in his car, on his/the bike 等

活学活用: ---How does your mother go to work?

---She goes to work _________. A. in car B. by a car C. in her car

2. Your new bike looks very nice.

look在此为系动词,表示“看起来„„,看上去„„”,后面接形容词。 Eg: She looks very nice ,



Unit 5 Our School Life教学

Unit 5 Our School Life

Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.【our,school,life教案】

Section A


1. 学习频度副词和一些交通方式的表达法。

How do you usually come to school?

I usually come to school by subway.

2. 能够用一般现在时谈论交通方式。


一. 自主学习(试试看,你一定是最棒的,加油!)


(1)Where do Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet?


(2)How does Helen usually come to school?


(3)How does Jane always come to school?


2. 完成Section A, 1b和2a


语言点导学:( language points )

1. How do you usually come to school? 是由How 引导的特殊疑问句,对交通方式进行提问,通常用by bike ,by train,by bus, by car, by plane/air,by ship/sea等来回答。

2. I usually come to school by subway.

by + 交通工具的单数名词(不加冠词 the, a , an )“乘坐……”。

by taxi 坐的士 by plane乘飞机 by train 坐火车

on foot 步行,走路,前面不加定冠词。

e.g.I go to school on foot.= I walk to school.


⑴.by引导的短语不能在句中作谓语,只能用作方式状语,与go,come ,get等动词连用。 ⑵.如果交通工具前有the ,one’s等限定词,介词不用by ,需用in 或on。 e.g. on the train, in his car, on his/the bike 等


---How does your mother go to work?

---She goes to work _________.

A. in car B. by a car C. in her car

3. Your new bike looks very nice.


e.g. She looks very nice ,



( ) 1. Mr. Wang usually drives to work on weekdays.But today he goes to the park_____ .

A. on feet B. on foot C. by foot

( ) 2. Mr. King sometimes _____ the subway home.

A. take B. taking C. takes

( ) 3. Tom Brown _____ to Japan by train. He usually goes by plane. A. isn’t go B. doesn’t go

( ) 4. Sam never _____ to school.

A. walk B. to walk C. walks

( ) 5. Zhao Lin goes home ______foot.

A. by B. on C. in

( ) 6. Almost all students walk or _____ a bus. Very few students_____ bikes.

A. take , ride B. by, by C. take , by

( )7.---How do you usually come to school?

---______ my father's car.

A. by B. on C. in

( )7.--- Happy New Year to you.

--- _______________

A. All right. B. Thank you. C. The same to you.


1 .—What does Ellen usually do after school?

—She usually ________ (watch) TV.

2.—How _________(do)your mother usually go to work?

—Well, She usually takes a yellow school bus.

3. I want________(go)to the park tomorrow.

4. It’s seven thirty now. You must _______ (get)up, or you will be late for the meeting.

5. Yu Jing sometimes _______ (ride)a bike to school. C. doesn’t goes



⑴. He often comes to school by bike.(同义句转换)

He often______ ______ ______ ______ ________.

⑵. They always go to the zoo by air. (同义句转换)

They always ________to the zoo.

⑶.Mrs.Read goes shopping three times a week.(对画线部分提问)

_____ _____ does Mrs.Read go shopping?

⑷.I usually read books on Sundays.(对画线部分提问)

_____ do you usually _____ on Sundays?

⑸ Maria often takes the subway home.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ Maria often _____ the subway home?


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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