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MODULE 1附听力原文


1.Why don’t you write down the correct words next to the mistakes?

2.Do you read newspaper in English?

3.What do you think of that film?

4.Have a good trip!

5.What do you do?


6.W:Do you like learning English by watching English films?

M:No,I don’t.I often learn English by listening to tapes.

7.W:Do you like apples,Jim?

M:Yes,I do.It’s my favourite.

8.W:Excuse me.Is there a bank in the neighbourhood?

M:Yes,it’s between the hospital and the bookstore.

9.W:Do you surf the Internet every day,Tom?

M:No,my parents let me do it only on Sunday evening.

10.W:Let’s hurry!The train is leaving.

M:Don’t worry.It’s three ten.There is twenty minutes left before the train leaves.


Hello,everyone!I’m Meimei.I was not good at English last year,but my teacher gave me some books about how to learn English.Now my English is good.If you want to learn English well,you should always check your spelling with a dictionary,and you also need to write down the mistakes in your notebook and correct them afterwards.Don’t forget to check your vocabulary book and read English books,newspapers or magazines every day.Listening to English songs and radio programmes is also helpful for you to learn English well.If you do these things,I think your English will be better and better.

MODULE 2附听力原文


1.Has Jack ever been to Shanghai?

2.I’m going to Hang zhou for a holiday.

3.What’s your favourite subject,Linda?

4.I will help you with your schoolwork.

5.Where was the Backstreet Boy’s concert?


W:Hi,Daniel.Have you finished your Maths homework?

M:Not yet.I’m going to finish it tonight.How about you,Amy?

W:I haven’t started yet.I feel it’s too difficult for me.Can you help me with it?

M:Sure.I’m glad to help you.Why not come to my house after school? We can do our homework together.

W:That’s a good idea.I’ll arrive at five o’clock.

M:What about your English project?Have you done that?

W:Oh,yes,I’ve finished it.It was easy.

M:Oh,I’ve done only a bit of that.I’m having trouble with it.Maybe you could help me.

W:Of course.We’ll help each other this afternoon.I’ll help you with your English project.Then you can help me with my Maths homework. M:All right.We can watch cartoons on TV after that.

MODULE 3附听力原文


1.It took me several hours to work out the problem.

2.Have you read his latest novel?

3.There are more than 200 billion stars in our galaxy.

4. We can look up the information about the space travel on the Internet.

5.My uncle has gone to Hangzhou on business.


6.M:Have you sent your email to your father,Lucy?

W:Not yet.I have too much work to do these days.

7.W:Mike,I’ll go to Shanghai with my parents tomorrow.

M:Have a good time.Will you go by plane?

W:No,we’ll take a train.

8.M:Mum,what did you want to be when you were young?

W:I wanted to be a scientist.What about you?

M:I hope I could become an astronaut.

9.W:Wow!Your model of the solar system looks so good,Bill.

M:Thanks.I finished it two days ago.Next I will start to make the model of a space shuttle.

10.M:Rose,have you seen Joan?The party will start.

W:She wasn’t invited.


Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the Science Museum.My name is Alice and I will be your guide today.Now let me tell you something about the museum before I take you around.OK,on the first floor,where we are now,you will be able to see a lot of interesting science experiments.You can try them all yourself.We will spend half an hour here.Then we will go to the second floor,the IT floor—there you can see how computers work,as well as mobile phones and that kind of thing.On the same floor you can see the history of the car.On the next floor you will learn all about space,space travel and the history of the airplane.On the top floor,we will look at how the human body works,and all about plants,trees and nature.So,if you follow me,we’ll begin.

MODULE 4附听力原文


1.W:Mike,your watch is very nice.

M:Thank you,Lucy.It’s my birthday present from my aunt.

2.M:Where do you live?

W:I live in the countryside.I drive a car to work every day.

3.W:Will you be here at ten o’clock?

M:No,I’ll be there thirty minutes later.

4.W:Do you have books about computers?

M:Yes,we do.Here is one about the ABC of computers.

W:Thanks.How long may I keep it please?

M:Two weeks.

5.M:What are you going to do this afternoon?

W:I’ve no idea.

M:Shall we play basketball?

W:No.Let’s go to the movies.

M:OK.That’s a good idea.


6.W:Tom,did you come to our factory in 1995?

M:No,I bagan to work here in 2000.

7.M:Excuse me.Have you been to New York?

W:Yes,it’s a big city in the USA.Have you been there,too?


8.W:Do you like football,John?

M:Yes,I play football every week.What about you?

W:You know not many girls like football.I never play football.

9.W:Excuse me.Can I help you?

M:I would like a cup of coffee and some potatoes.

10.W:Jim,you have read the book for two hours.Take a rest.

M:I have to finish it today.I borrowed it ten days ago.Tomorrow I will return it to Mike.


Li Lei is thirteen now.He began to study in a middle school two years ago.His home is in a small village,and it’s nearly five kilometres from his school.He has to get up early in the morning and run to school.He is never late for school.His father thinks Li Lei is too tired.He wants to borrow some money to buy a bike for him.Li Lei doesn’t agree because he knows his mother is always ill and the family spends much money on medicine.He keeps running every day.He becomes stronger and stronger.He runs fastest in his class.Last week there was a sports meeting in his school.Li Lei ran farther than any other boy and got the first place in the boy’s 1,500 metres.The whole school knew him.His classmates and teachers were very proud of him.He was happy,too.He ran home fast to tell his parents about the good news.

MODULE 5附听力原文


1.You’ve heard of Mozart,haven’t you?

2.Where would you like to go for your summer holiday?

3.Tom!Which sport do you like?

4.How do you often go to school?

5.This music isn’t very popular,is it?


6.W:Danny’s father doesn’t like classical music,does he?

M:No,he doesn’t.He likes Beijing Opera.

7.W:Are you playing in the school orchestra?

M:Yes,I have been in it for one and a half years.

8.W:Is your sister a musician?

M:Yes,she liked music when she was young.

9.W:Do you know Xian Xinghai?

M:Yes,he was famous for the song—The Yellow River.

10.W:Beethoven was a great writer,wasn’t he?

M:No,he was a great composer.


Good morning,here is Sunshine High School on the radio.There’s a wonderful party in our school meeting room tonight.It starts at 7:30.It’s for our foreign teacher—Mr Green.He has been teaching here for 2 years.He teaches so well that everyone likes him.But he’s going back to London next week.So we’ll have to say goodbye to him.To show our thanks everyone can bring a small present for him.The Beach Boys will play all their new songs.They’re our favourite band.Everyone will dance to the music.We’ll be enjoying ourselves here.Come and join us!See you at 7:30 tonight.

MODULE 6附听力原文


1.Was the king sitting on the grass?

2.How is it going?

3.Nice to meet you,boys and girls.

4.How about going out for dinner this evening?

5.Let me help you take the bags.


6.M:Sandy,were you at home at 7 yesterday evening?

W:Yes,I was having supper.

7.W:Did you see Linda?

M:Yes,I saw her sitting by the river just now.

8.W:Was your mother shopping at 5 yesterday afternoon,Jack?

M:No,she was getting ready for the party.

9.M:What were you doing at this time yesterday?

W:I was cooking.What about you?

M:I was listening to the radio.

10.M:Was the rabbit sleeping?

W:No,it was eating grass.


a woman was at a cinema,and she was enjoying the movie very much,but there was a man in the next seat.He was looking for something.The woman was angry and said in a low voice,“What are you doing,sir?What are you looking for?Could you please keep quiet?”“a piece of chocolate,”the man said.“I dropped it on the floor.”“a piece of chocolate?”the woman said angrily.“It’s dirty now!Take this and be quiet.”She gave the man a big piece of chocolate.“But,”the man said,“my teeth are in the piece of chocolate on the floor.”




1.What’s wrong with your watch?

2.How do you study for an English test?

3.What do you think of Uncle Li?

4.How often do you have your sports meeting?

5.Why don’t you take off your sweater?


6.W:You didn’t finish your homework yesterday,Jack,did you? M:Oh,sorry.I asked Mary for help instead.

7.M:Excuse me.Is there a shop near here?

W:No,there isn’t.The nearest shop is about three kilometres away.You’d better take a bus.

8.M:Hello,Jenny.Is John better now?

W:Oh,yes,much better.But the doctor says he has to stay in bed for another two days.

9.M:Has your father come back from Australia?

W:Yes,he returned home last night.

10.M:Mary,you didn’t come to school yesterday.

W:I had a terrible headache.

M:Did you go to see the doctor?

W:Yes,I did.


M:Excuse me,madam.I’d like to be a volunteer.Could you help me? W:Sure.What kind of work would you like to do?

M:I like working with kids.

W:Good.Do you know how to play tennis?We need someone to coach the team. M:No,I don’t really like tennis.Anything else?

W:Well,there’s a job cleaning up the streets.It’s every Saturday. M:Oh,sorry.I have to teach music lessons on Saturday.

W:I see.Here’s another job.Can you make Chinese dishes?



Module 1综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. M: Hello, Mary. Are you going to Beijing by train?

W: No. It’s too slow. I’ll go there by air

2. W: Sam, where are you going on vacation?

M: We are going to Paris.

3. W: How did you spend the May Day holiday?

M: I saw a film with my family.

4. M: Hi, Amy. Where would you like to visit on your vacation?

W: Hi, Sam. I’d like to go to Hainan. And I know Lily is going to Beijing.

5. M: Will you go to the women's football match with me tonight, Jane?

W: Yes, I'd love to. But I am busy with my lessons. What about tomorrow?

M: OK.

6. M: I went to buy some books yesterday afternoon.

W: Me too. How many books have you got now?

M: I've got fifty.

W: I've got fifteen.

7. M: Kate, do you have any plan for your vacation

W: Yeah, Maybe I’m going to visit Nanjing. Bill, how about you?

M: I’ve no idea.

W: Why not go with me?

M: Sounds great.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes. I’m going to Chongqing. Which flight should I take?

W: Look! Flight 251 CPA from Nanjing to Chongqing takes off at 7:30 on Monday and Thursday, and it arrives in Chongqing at 9:00.

M: Is there any other flight to Chongqing today?

W: Sorry, today is Saturday. There are only those two flights in a week.

M: OK. Thank you.


Two men were traveling in a wild part of America. Many days passed and they didn’t see anybody. They did not even see a house. Then, one day, they met an old native American man. They found that he knew their language and they talked for a few minutes. One of them asked the old man what the weather would be like in the next few days.

“Oh, very cold. The temperature will be below zero. Then there will be snow for two days, but after that it will be sunny,” he said.

“That’s amazing,” said one of the men. “The old man knows the secrets of nature! How smart he is!” Then he turned to the old man.

“Tell me,” he said, “how do you know all that?”

The old man replied: “I heard it on the radio.”

Module 2综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. M: Mary, how are you going to Xiamen for the summer vacation?

W: I’m going by train.

2. M: What bad weather!

W: Yeah, rainy days always make me sad.

3. M: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the library?

W: It’s over there, across from the street.

4. W: Do you like moon cakes?

M: Yes. I like moon cakes very much. And I also enjoy the full moon.

5. W: I’d like to give a bunch of flowers to my mother.


M: Why? Is it your mother’s birthday?

W: No, it’s Mother’s Day.

6. W: What is your favourite holiday?

M: I like Spring Festival best. I can get a lot of lucky money.

7. W: Why do so many people go to climb the mountain today?

M: It’s a traditional custom in China.

8. W: Happy Teachers’ Day, Mr. Li! Here are some presents for you, with our best wishes.

M: Oh, thank you very much. But I think the best present for the teacher is your work.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

Sandy: Hello, Kitty

Kitty: Hi, Sandy. Next Sunday is teachers’ Day. Let’s buy some flowers for Miss Wang.

Sandy: Good idea. Tomorrow is Wednesday. We don’t have any lessons on Wednesday afternoon. Let’s go shopping together.

Kitty: All right. Oh, it’s ten to ten. It’s time for next class.

Sandy: Don’t forget to tell Daniel.


Last week I had a good time with my friends in Beihai. The trip was unforgettable. And it wasn’t expensive. It was only 1,250yuun per person. We flew from Shenzhen Airport to Nanning. Then we took a bus to Silver Beach, one of the most famous places in Beihai. We walked on the wonderful white sand and we felt really excited. And the beautiful sunset was amazing. Then we visited Underwater World and stayed there for three hours. It was wonderful! After that, we traveled to Beihai Laojie Area. There we went to Danjia Restaurant to try some fresh seafood. It was delicious. And we bought some pearls in the South Pearl Palace. We also enjoyed the natural beauty of the Mangrove Forest. People call it Forest on the Sea. Beihai is beautiful. I love it.

Module 3 暨第一次月考检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共16分)

第一节 听对话,选图或回答问题。

1. W: Which sport does Mike like better?

M: He likes swimming. He is good at it.

2. W: Who’s that?

M: That’s Yao Ming. I like him best.

3. W: Do you live in Shanghai?

M: Yes, I do. I was born there. I like it very much.

4. M: Who’s Midori, do you know?

W: She is a famous violinist. She plays the violin pretty well.

5. M: How did you like the exam, Joan?

W: Oh, it wasn’t difficult at all.

6. M: Does the film start at six or sixty-fifteen?

W: It starts at six-thirty and ends at eight-forty.

7. M: What’s the time, Mum? Our class meeting starts at nine o’clock.

W: Oh, you must hurry then. You have only 15 minutes left.

M: Goodbye, Mum.

W: Have a good day, dear.

8. M: Did you work in France before you came to China?

W: Yes. I stayed there for less than three years.

M: Why did you change your job?

W: Mm, it’s hard to say.

第二节 听对话或独白,回答问题。


M: What time does our football match start on Sunday?

W: The game begins at 2:00.

M: Cool! Who are we going to play with?

W: A team of soldiers, surprised?

M: Wow, they must be very strong and have excellent foot skills.

W: Maybe. But soldiers usually give a good game.

M: I’ll try my best.

W: Don’t hurt your feet these days.

M: Don’t worry. See you then.


W: Oh, Gone with the Wind. Where did you buy this book, Tom?

M: My sister bought it for my birthday.

W: That’s cool! I have read one in Chinese, but I haven’t read one in English.

M: If you like, you can take this one.

W: How long may I keep this book?

M: A month is enough, I think.


George Dawson wrote a book called Life is So Good. The book is full of stories from George’s life. He wrote it in nineteen ninety-eight when he was one hundred years old. The most amazing part is that George learnt to read just two years before he wrote the book.

When he was eight, his father sent him to work. Life was hard for the poor American family. Food became more important than school.

When George was ninety-eight, he heard about adult classes near his home. He still had a dream that he would lean to read. He went to class. His teacher helped him, and in two years he wrote the book.

Module 4综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. W: Did you enjoy yourselves at the zoo last Sunday?

M: No, we didn’t go there. It was raining.

2. M: How did your sister come to London?

W: She decided to drive her own car. But finally she took the train.

3. M: I have waited for half an hour. Why did you take so long to park the car?

W: I’m sorry, dear. I had to drive very far before I could find a place to park.

4. W: Mark, did you write down the time and place of the meeting?

M: Sorry, Miss Wu. Can you speak more slowly please?

5. W: Jack, why were you late for class this morning? Didn’t you catch the bus?

M: No. My watch broke last night, so I got up late. I will never be late again.

6. W: Tom’s teacher said he didn’t do well in the physics exam. Will you give our son a hand, dear? M: I’m busy with my report for next Monday. Will you teach him this time?

7. W: Where did you say you found the wallet?

M: It was found in the grass between the teaching building and the library.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

W: Hello, Paul! Where did you go on summer holiday?

M: I went to Tibet with Uncle Lambert.

W: Really? How was there?

M: It’s a special place. People there are very friendly and it was cold.

W: It’s great. How were you there?

M: I always felt uncomfortable, but we enjoyed ourselves.


Have you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not. Some countries never have snow. Some have only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little.

When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often clouds, gray sky and cold rain in England in autumn, and most students from warm countries do not like this. But snow is different. Though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks “Is it so late?” and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is snow on the ground and on the house and everything. The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.

Module 5 综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. M: Must we keep quiet in the classroom?

W: Yes. No shouting in the classroom.

2. M: Don’t cross the rope. Can’t you see the sign?

W: I’m sorry. I can’t see it.

3. M: Hi, Betty, come and see the monkey exhibition.

W: No shouting, please! It’s against the rules.

4. M: It’s warm today, isn’t it?

W: Yes, but it’ll be warmer tomorrow. It’ll be much warmer the day after tomorrow.

5. W: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. They might be sorry later. M: Yes. Although it’s fun to watch.

6. M: Mom, I want to go out to skate with my friends.

W: Oh, dear. I must go shopping now. You have to be at home by 3:00pm.

7. M: What’s the matter, Peter?

W: I think I’m going to fail the math test, Dad.

M: You are? Why?

W: Well, I missed the bus and I had to walk to school.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

M: Hello, Helen.

W: Hi, Bob.

M: You don’t look very well.

W: Nothing has gone right for me today.

M: What’s the matter?

W: I don’t know. It just isn’t my day.

M: Please tell me what has happened to you.

W: My car broke down on the way to work. And I left my papers at home.

M: Well. The same has happened to me once. I’m sure things will get better by themselves.

W: I hope so.


A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you want to be good at English, you have to read stories in English and speak English as much as possible. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not go to bed late at night studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the questions papers, try to understand the exact meaning of each question. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything out.

Module 6综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. W: Mike, you got an A again in the English exam. How did you improve so quickly?

M: I went to the English Corner and spoke English as loudly as possible.

2. M: Are you terrified of dogs, Tina?


外研版七年级上12月月考听力试题 听力部分(30分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,根据所听句子内容和提示问题,选择符合题意的图画。每个句子仅读一遍。(5分)

( )1. Where does the speaker want to study?



)2. Which animal comes from Asia?


( )3. What does the speaker's mother often do?

A. C.

( )4. Where does the speaker write his homework?

A. C.

( )5. When does the speaker go to school?

A. C.

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。(5分)

( )6. A.It’s my birthday.

( )7. A. At seven o’clock. B. It’s a fine day. C. It’s Friday. B. On Thursday morning. C. This Sunday.

B. We go home at four thirty. ( )8. A. We have dinner and watch TV.

C. We go to the playground and play football.

( )9. A. I get up at half past six. B. Some presents. C. I play computer games.

( )10 A. She goes to work at half past seven in the morning.

B. She is a teacher at the Guangzhou International School.

C. She often goes to the concerts and buys CDs by her favourite singers.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(10分)


( )11.What does the woman’s sister like?

A.She likes trousers. B.She likes T-shirts.


( )12.Where is Jack’s uncle?

A.He lives in Macao. B.He lives in Hong Kong. C.He lives in Guangzhou. 听第三段对话,回答第13小题

( )13.What are they?

A. Onions. B. Carrots.

听第四段对话,回答第14小题 C. Onions and carrots. C.She likes jeans.

( )14. What present does Tony get on his birthday?

A. a computer. B. a computer game. C. a CD.


( )15. What does the girl have?

A. A pen and a pencil. B. A pen. C. A pencil.


( )16.Sara likes A.hamburgers and fruit B.milk and hamburgers C.fruit and milk

( )17.They should (应该) ____________ every day.

A.eat healthy food B.eat healthy food and play sports C.play sports 听第七段对话,回答第18~20小题

( )18.Wang Dong’

A.Cinema B.School C.Beijing Zoo

( )19 .Wang Dong has to do.【外研社,初中英语听力资源包】

A.a lot of homework B.much housework C.no housework

( )20.Wang Dong’.

A. a tiger B.a panda C. a monkey

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(10分)

( )21.Betty goes to school with her _________.

A. brother B.sister C.friend

( in the morning.

A.half past nine B.half past ten C.ten

( )23. doesn’t like school lunch.

A.Betty B.Betty’s brother C.Betty’s sister【外研社,初中英语听力资源包】

( )24.They ’clock in the evening.

A.watch TV B.do their homework C.have dinner

( )25.Betty’ A.plays computer games B.reads books C.goes to bed


北辰区中考听力复习材料 七年级下册 (2) module5----module8

Module5 unit1

The dialogue:

Tony: Daming, can you answer some questions for my homework, please? What’s the population of Shanghai?

Daming:13 million people, I think.

Tony: And is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai?

Daming: Hong Kong has seven million people, so Shanghai is bigger.

Tony: And it is hotter in Hong Kong?

Daming: Yes, it’s hotter in Hong Kong.

Tony: And is Shanghai a newer city than Hong Kong ?

Daming: Shanghai is seven hundred years old. It’s an older city.

( )1. How many people are there in Shanghai?

A. 7 billion B. 13 million C. 20 million

( )2. Is Shanghai hotter than Hong Kong?

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, it isn’t

( )3. Is Shanghai newer than Hong Kong?

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C, No, it is

Tapescript1 (activity 2)

Welcome to Shanghai. It’s a big city on the Huang pu river near the east China Sea, and it has about 13 million people. When you come to Shanghai, come and see the Bund. It’s a road next to the river. It’s one and a half kilometers long and there are parks and old buildings.

Welcome to Hong Kong. It’s a busy city on the coast of the South China Sea and it has a population of seven million. When you come to Hong Kong, come and climb Victoria Peak. It’s a high hill and it’s 554 meters high. You can see the city below.

( )1. What ‘s the population of Shanghai?

A. 13,000,000 B. 13 billion C. 7,000,000

( )2. Where is the Bund? A. next to the river B. near the park C. next to the building

( )3. How high is Victoria Peak? A. 5554 meters B. 554 meters C. 454 meters

Tapescript2: (workbook)

Lingling: I want to go to Canada. There are beautiful lakes, rivers and mountains. And the population is smaller than China’s, so it’s not very busy.

Daming: I want to go to Mexico, The weather there is hotter than Canada. It’s got a good coast, so I can swim in the warm sea.

( )Q:What dose the girl say about Canada?

A: It’s hotter B: The population is smaller than china C. It’s busy.

Module 6 unit1

The dialogue:

Betty: Chinese people are very good at gymnastics. Do you like gymnastics, Daming?

Daming: Yes, I do. But Chinese people are good at table tennis, too, and table tennis is more popular than gymnastics.


you like?

Daming: Basketball is my favourite sport, but I also like running.

Betty: Oh, no, running is more boring than basketball. I also like cycling. Cycling is more I love gymnastics. I think it's more exciting than table tennis. What Olympic sports do relaxing than running.

Daming: No, it isn't. I think cycling is more tiring than running. And do you like skiing? Betty: Yes, I do. But it's more dangerous than running and cycling.【外研社,初中英语听力资源包】

( )1. What sport does betty like?

A.running B. gymnastics C. basketball

( )2. What’s Daming’s favourite sport?

A. gymnastics B. running C. basketball

( )3. Does Betty like running?

A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t C. Yes, she doesn’t

Tapescript1: (activity 1)

Lingling: I love table tennis. It’s very popular. What sports do you like, Tony?

Tony: I like basketball. It’s more exciting than table tennis. And I like gymnastics.

Lingling: Yes, I like gymnastics. But it’s dangerous. It’s more dangerous than basketball. What

about cycling?

Tony: Cycling is relaxing!

Linging: Do you like running?

Tony: I like running but it’s expensive!

Lingling: Running isn’t expensive. And do you like skiing?

Toy: I think skiing is more difficult than basketball, gymnastics and cycling.

( )1. which is more exciting, basketball or table tennis?

A: basketball B. table tennis

( )2. Which sport is dangerous?

A; basketball B. table tennis C. gymnastics

( )3. Which sport is difficult?

A: basketball B. skiing C. running

Tapescript2: (workbook)

Tony: What are popular sports in China?

Lingling: Table tennis is popular. Basketball is popular too. Football is getting more popular all the


time. Some of my friends like football. I like football too. Do you like football, Tony?

Tony: Yes, I do. In England, it’s the number one sport. And it’s also the number one sport in the


( )Q: Which is the most popular sport in the world

A. Table tennis B. football C. basketball

Tapescript3: (workbook)

Tony: I love football…All my family like football. Football is popular around the world. It’s the number one sport.

Betty: Football is unpopular in the USA because it isn’t very exciting. Football is boring. Americans like basketball. Americans like American football. It’s more dangerous…It’s more difficult to play well.

Tony: But football is more exciting to watch. Football is easier to play. And football is cheaper to play. All you need is a ball.

( )Q: Is football popular in the USA?

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, it isn’t

Module7 unit1

The dialogue:

Betty's mum ; How does Tony get to school?

Betty :He lives farthest from the school, so he has the longest journey. He goes by bus. It's the best way to get to school.

Betty's mum: How does Daming get to school?

Betty :He has the fastest journey because he goes by bicycle.

Betty's mum :But it's the most dangerous way. And what about Lingling?

Betty: Her home is the closest to the school, so she walks. Does Dad always go to work by taxi? Betty's mum: Yes, it's the most expensive way, but it's the most comfortable way. He sometimes takes the train, but it's the most uncomfortable way to go to work!

( )1. How does Tony go to school?

A. by bike B. by bus C. on foot

( )2. How does Daming go to school?

A. by bike B. by bus C. on foot

( )3. What is the most expensive way to go to school?

A. by bus B. by train C. by taxi

Tapescript1: (activity2)

A: Let’s try a quiz. Question one: what’s the most modern train in the world?

B: I think it’s the Shanghai airport train.

A: OK, question two: what’s the largest plane in the world?

B: The Boeing 747.

A: Right. And question three: what’s the most famous ferry in the world?

B: The star Ferry in Hong Kong.

A: Question four : what’s the cheapest means of transport in China?

B: The bus

A: And question five: what’s the most crowded subway in the world?

B: I think the Tokyo subway.

A: And question six: what’s the most comfortable taxi in the world?

B: I don’t know. The Mercedes? The Toyota? The Cadillac?

( )1. What’s the largest plane in the world?

A: Boeing 747 B. Boeing 757 C. Boeing474

( )2. What’s the most crowded subway in the world?

A: London subway B. Tokyo subway C. Nanjing subway

( )3. what’s the most modern train in the world?

A: Shanghai airport train B. Nanjing airport train C. Tokyo airport train

Tapescript2: (workbook)

Lingling: What’s the best way for students to go to school in England?

Tony: There are five ways. They go by bus, but that’s the slowest.They go by car and that’s the most comfortable. They go by subway but that’s the most boring. They go by train and that’s the most interesting. Or they walk.

Q: What’s the most boring way for students to go to school?

A: by car B. by subway C. by train

Module8 unit1 ( the dialogue)

Tony: Hey, Lingling. Where were you born?

Lingling: I was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.

Tony: What was the name of the village?

Lingling: Xucun. Where were you born, Tony?

Tony: I was born in Cambridge. It's a small city in England.

Lingling: And what was the name of your first school?

Tony: It was Darwin Primary School.

Lingling: And who was your first teacher?



( )1. Where was Lingling born?

A. Shanxi B. Shandong C. Hebei

( )2. What was Tony’s first teacher like?

A. strict B. brave C. serious

( )3. Who were Tony’s first friends?

A. Beckey B. Adam C. Becky and Adam My first teacher was Mrs Lane. She was strict but very nice. Who was your first


Tapescript1: (activity2)

Daming: Where were you born, Betty?

Betty: I was born in Quincy, a small town in the USA.

Daming: what was your first school called?

Betty: My first school was called John Adams Primary School.

Daming: And what was the name of your first teacher?

Betty: She was called Ms Fairbanks.

Daming: And what was she like?

Betty: She was strict but very nice.

Daming: And who were your first friends?

Betty: they were called Jamie and Kate.

Daming: What were they like?

Betty: They were friendly. But Jamie was naughty in class.

( )1. Where was Betty born?

A. Quincy B. London C. New York

( )2. What was betty’s first teacher like?

A. strict B. brave C. serious

( )3. Who were Betty’s first friends?

A. Jamie B. Kate C. Jamie and Kate

Tapescript2: ( workbook)

Daming: Where were you born, Betty?

Betty: I was born in the USA. It was in a town called Quincy. It was famous town because two American presidents were also born there.

Daming: What was the town like ?

Betty: It was a friendly town with lots of children. There were lots of things to do there with stores, movie theaters and sports teams, too. So life was good and I was happy there.

( )1. Where is Quincy?

A. in British B. in the USA C. in France

( )2. What is the life like in the town?

A. good B. poor C. hard



第一节 听力理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

请根据播放内容,从每小题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。 听下面一段对话,回答第1~2小题

( ) 1. When did the man become a teacher?

A. Two years ago.

B. Eight years ago

C.Ten years ago

( ) 2. What does the man like?

A. German.

B. French.



( ) 3.How long has the man studied Chinese?

A. For three years

B For four years

C. For five years

( ) 4.What doesn’t the man mention(提到)?

A. Chinese songs B. Chinese films C. Chinese food.

( ) 5.What does the man think of Liu Dehua’s songs?

A. They are exciting B. They are short C. They are boring. 听下面一段对话,回答第6~8小题

( ) 6. What is Lin Tao doing?

A. He is looking at his brother..

B. He is looking at a photo of his brother.

C. He is looking for a photo of his brother.

( ) 7.What does Lin Tao’s brother do?

A. He is a student.

B. He is a teacher

C. He is a farmer

( ) 8. What does the woman want to do?

A. She wants to ask Lin Tao’s brother for help

B. She wants to meet Lin Tao.

C. She wants to teach Lin Tao’s brother English.


( ) 9.How long has the woman lived in Dalian?

A. For three years. B. For four years C. For six years

( ) 10. Who lived with the woman?

A. The man B. Her friends C. Her parents

( ) 11.Why didn’t Sarah like living in Dalian at first?

A. She wanted to live with her parents

B. She liked living in a village..

C. She didn’t have any friends.


( ) 12.Where does the girl live ?

A. In a village B. In a city C. In a town

( ) 13.If we give Project Hope _____each year, it can pay for one child to go to

school for a whole year.

A.¥200. B¥300. C.¥400

( ) 14.Why didn’t the girl go to school at first?

A. She didn’t like going to school

B. Her father wanted her to stay at home

C. Her family was too poor.

( ) 15.What does the girl want to do?

A. Return to school

B. Help poor students

C. Teach at a school.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


An Information Card

Where the girl was born In a 16.___________ in Anhui Province What the girl’s family lived

on 17.__________and18.___________vegetables

What the situation(情况)of the girl’s school The room where she studied had no 19._______

Who the girl should thank 20.________.



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