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成考报名   发布时间:09-22    阅读:




一、 Read and choose


B: Our English teacher is Mr Carter.


B: He’s from Canada.

A :

’s tall. He has a big mouth and short hair.

A: B: Yes, he’s very strict.

B: Yes, we all like him. He’s so kind.

A: Hello, how are you?B: B: We have P.E. and art on Fridays. I like Fridays.

A : A: B: He is tall and thin.

A: Oh, tomorrow is Saturday. A: I like sports, too. Next weekend, let’s play basketball together. B: OK.


Zoom: Hi, Zip. Zip: I’m fine, thank you! Oh, you are not happy. Why? Zoom: I’m hungry. I don’t like the food in my school. Zip: Zip: Oh, I’m sorry to hear(听到) that. Zoom: I like beef and hamburgers. Zip: You can eat dinner with me. Let’s go. Zoom: Year! Thank you, Zip!


John: I’d like some noodles, pork and cabbage.

John: Yes, I can.

Mother: OK, let’John: I can cut(切)the cabbage.

John: Yes, I can wash it.

A: Hello! Amy, how are you? You look so happy.

B: There is a small closet, a new desk and a big TV.

’s on the red desk.

A: B: Yes, there is a computer. I can play computer games on the weekends. B: Yes, you can. But today is not Saturday or Sunday.

Mike: It’s Saturday today.

Mike: I often play in the People’s Park. Mike: I can swim.

Mike: Yes, there is a river in it. The water is very clean. Amy: Are there any boats on the river?

Mike: I often row a boat with my friends, too.

Amy: Cool.

Amy: Hello! I’

Mike: I live in a village. It’s quiet and beautiful.

Amy: How nice! Are there any tall buildings in your village?

Mike: But there’re many small houses.

Mike: Yes, there is a nature park in the village.

Mike: No, there aren’t. But there are many fish. Amy:

Mike: I can fish. I like my village very much.


A: Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions? B: Sure.

A:________________________________________B: Yes, I am.

A: _______________________________________B: I have lunch at school.

A: _______________________________________B: I’d like beef and green beans.

A: _________________B: I like grapes. __________________A: I don’t like grapes. They are sour.


Amy: Hello, John. _______________

John: I can set the table. I can do the dishes.

Amy: Great! You are helpful. ________

John: I often play computer games on weekends. ______________

Amy: I often go to the nature park.

John: ___________________________


Amy: Yes, there is a big lake. There are many flowers near the lake.

John: ___________ Amy: No, there are some mountains.


1、 ___________________________________ ?I can see two cats in the zoo.

2、 ___________________________________ ?There are five birds in the sky.

3、Where are the children?___________________________________﹙在教室里﹚

4、 ___________________________________? I have ten books.

5、___________________________________? No , there aren’t any buildings there .

6、___________________________________? No,there is a river in the park.


The shelf is on the wall.

8、 ___________________________________? Yes,my science teacher is very strict.

9、 ___________________________________? Yes,I can make the bed.

10、 ___________________________________? I have eggplant and tofu for lunch today.

11、___________________________________? I often read books on Sundays.

12、___________________________________? My room is big and nice.

13、 ___________________________________? My favourite food is tofu.

14、 __________________________________? Today is Monday .


(What, Where, on, watch, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesdays, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 5, 7, play)

There are ______days in a week. We go to school from __________ to _____________. We don’t go to school on __________ and __________. I like _____________. Because we have computer class and P.E. on Wednesdays. I like weekends, too. Because I can play __________ weekends. I often ___________TV and ___________computer games. ___________ about you? Do you like weekends?

(English art active teacher Friday Saturday Sunday play computer games do watch football Monday often)

Today is ________. We have ______ and ________ on Fridays.I like my English teacher.She’s a university student, she’s ________.My art _______ is very funny.So,I like ______.Tomorrow is ________.I can _____ _______ with my friends in the playground. In the evening I ______ TV.What a happy day!

(away, do, meals, brother, family, wash, can, make, housework, can)

My name is Ann. I have a happy ________. We share the ________. My father _________ cook the __________. My mother can ___________ the clothes. I can put ________ the clothes. My sister _______ _______the dishes. My ___________can _________ the bed. (fruit, clothes,on, like, under, picture, favourite, near, trash bin, computer)

My name is Lily. My__________ food is chicken and my favourite _____is grapes. This is a _______ of my room. There is a new bed. The end table is ____ the bed. Many ______ are in the closet. There is a ___________ behind the door. The mirror is _____ the air-conditioner. There is a desk, too. Guess! What’s ___ the desk? It’s a ________. I often play games with it. Do you like my room? What’s your room _______? Can you tell me, please?

英语情景对话五年级 王瑞强编


Hello, everyone, I am from sanliprimary school ,my name ixXX I am in gradeXX (互换介绍)

A: Hello,nice to meet you!

B: Hello,nice to meet to you,too! how are you doing now?

A: I am fine,thank you ,and how is your family?

B: We are well,too. I hear your birthday is coming soon,is it?

A: Yes,I will be fourteen yeas old.

B: when is your birthday ?

A: It is on June ninth.when is your birthday?

B: My birthday is far away ,it is in October. Early to wish you a happy birthday.

A:Thank you , I hope you can come to my birthday party.

B;I must come .let`s make it. Goodbye!

A:See you!


A: Hello,nice to meet you!

B: Hello,nice to meet to you,too! how are you doing now?

A: I am fine,thank you ,and how is your family?

B: We are well,too. Do you know, it`s summer time already.

A:Yes,it is . Which season do you like best?

B:I like spring.why do you like spring?

A:Because I can fly kites and I can plant trees.what about you?

B: I like winter,because I can skate make a snowman and play with snow. A;But I don`t like winter ,it is too cold.what is the four seasons like ? B:Spring is green with flowers and songs.Summer is hot and the days are long ,Fall is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone.

B;Great! Hope we can cherish life .goodbye



A: Hello,nice to meet you!

B: Hello,nice to meet to you,too! how are you doing now?

A: I am fine,thank you ,and how is your family?

B: We are well,too. By the way,say something about your new classmate what is his name?

A:His name is xiaojun B:Where is he form?

A:He is form Beijing, B:what is he like?

A:He is tall with glass he is clever and cute.

B;How old is he? A He is fourteen .

B:What is his favorite class? A:He likes English best

B:OK,what time is ti now?

A:it is 7;30,Let`s go to school together.

B;Let`s go.


















3.在学习过程中了解中西方文化的差异,大胆运用英语相互交流,进行简单 对话。




第一单元 How Are You Feeling Now? 学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman. 并用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。

第二单元Spring is Coming! 学习“四会”单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, plant trees, ride a bike. 重点句型:What do you do in spring? I often ... . Sometimes we ... .

第三单元 Spring Begins from March. 学习“四会”单词:January, February, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 并用这些单词描述每个月份。

第四单元 He Lives in a Village. 学习“四会”单词:bird, snake, potato,

tomato, river, lake, village, 并用这些单词描述乡村的特色。

第五单元What’s the Weather Like Today? 学习“四会”单词:weather report, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, moon, star. 并用所学单词描述天气。 第六单元 My Holiday. 学习“四会”单词:travel, enjoy the visit, place of interest, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, the West Lake. 用所学单词描述在假期中旅行的各地的名胜古迹。

第七单元 I Have a Headache. 学习“四会”单词:have a cold, have a cough, have a fever, have a headache, hace a toothache, have a stomachache, see a docotr. 用所学短语描述自己的身体状况。

第八单元 Have a Good Habit! 学习“四会”单词:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line. 并用所学单词描述自己平时习惯。

Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now?


教学目标:学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman. 用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。 教学重点:能听懂、会写、会读、会说feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman。



学法:自主探究 合作交流

教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片


• 学习目标(2分钟)【英语5年级普通对话】

(一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman. 用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。

(二)学习 How are you feeling now? I’m ... 句型并学会如何表达。 • 自主学习(15分钟)









• 展示交流(10分钟)




指名小组上讲台做游戏,用英语描述自己或者他人的感受。 • 点拨升华(8分钟)



(三)用句子How are you feeling now? I’m ... 同桌相互问答。 • 课堂作业(5分钟)

• 作业当堂清


feel h___ppy feel s___ d feel t_____ed feel ang___

2. 英汉互译

感到快乐 _____________ feel sad ____________

感到累 ______________ 感到生气_____________

go out to play _______________ 堆雪人 ______________

• 挑战自我

How are you feeling now?

I’m ...


Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now?


feel sad


班别:________ 姓名: ___________

一、 根据答句或结合图片提示写问句:

1. A: ___________________________________?(ABC)

B: Mr. Lynn .

2. A: ___________________________________?

B: Mike is young and strong .

3. A: ___________________________________?

B: She is very kind . We all like her .

4. A: ___________________________________?

B: She is our Chinese teacher .

5. A: )

B: Yes , he is.

6. A: B: No , she isn’t old .

7. A: 和蔼的)

B: No , he is active .

8. A: B: It’9. A:

A: ___________________________________?

B: I often read books on Saturday .

12. A: ___________________________________?

B: I often play ping-pong on Tuesday afternoon.

13. A: ___________________________________?

B: I have tofu and potatoes for lunch .

14. A: ___________________________________?

B: I’d like mutton and cabbage for dinner.

15. A: ___________________________________?

B: I like fish . It’s tasty.

16. A: ___________________________________?

B: I like bananas . They are healthy for us.

17. A: ___________________________________?(铺床)

B: Yes , he can .

18. A: ___________________________________?

B: No , I don’19. A: B: I like Monday .

20. A: B: Yes , I am helpful at home .

21. A: 摆桌子)

B: 22. A: B: I can sweep the floor .

23. A: B: 24. A: 洗碗)

’t do housework . but I can use a computer .


B: There is a bed ,a big closet and an end table .

27. A: ___________________________________?

B: My living room is big and nice . I like it very much .

28. A: ___________________________________?(厨房)

B: Yes , it is .

29. A: ___________________________________?(桌子)

B: It’s near the window .

30. A: ___________________________________?

B: The air-conditioner is over the mirror .

31. A: ___________________________________?

B: Yes , there is a trash bin behind the door .

32. A: ___________________________________?(花)

B: Yes , there are some in the park.

33. A: ___________________________________?

B: No , there isn’t a path in the nature park .

34. A: B: Yes , I like it very much . It’s pretty .

35. A: B: 36. A: B: 37. A: (湖)

B: 38. A: B: 二、

s your art teacher like ?


Is he quiet ?

B: ______________________________________. (不)

3. A: What day is it today ?

B: ________________________________________ . (周四)

4. A: Is it Monday today ?

B: ________________________________________ . (是的)

5. A: Are you funny ?

B: ________________________________________ . (不)

6. A: What do you often do on Sundays ?

B: ____________________________________.(踢足球、看书)

7. A: What do you have on Wednesdays ?

B: ________________________________. (语文、数学、体育)

8. A: What would you like for breakfast ?

B: __________________________________.

9. A: What do you have for lunch on Friday ?

B: ____________________________________.

10. A: What is your favourite fruit ?


11. A: Do you like oranges ?

B: 它们很有营养)

12. A: What can you do ?

B: (扫地)

13. A: B:

14. A: Can you clean the room ?

B: (可以)

15. A:

B: (不)

16. (能)

_______________________________________. (大、漂亮)

A: Is there a park in your city ?

B: ________________________________________ . (是)

19. A: Are there any curtains in John’s bedroom ?

B: ________________________________________ . (是)

20. A: Is your house big ?

B: ________________________________________ . (不)

21. A: Are there any fish in the lake ?

B: ________________________________________ . (是)

22. A: Are there any paths in the nature park ?


B: ________________________________________ . (是)

三、 补全对话:

1. A: Can I interview you for our newspaper ?

B: _________________________________ .

A: __________________________________ ?

B: I often do homework on Saturdays morning , the

afternoon I often play football .

A: B: A: B: A: B: You’re welcome .

2. A: Who’B: 李先生)

A: B: A:

B: ’t strict for us .【英语5年级普通对话】

B: Yes , we like him very much .

A: It’s sunny today .

B: Yes , It’s nice ! ____________________________ ?

A: It’s Friday . Tomorrow is weekend .

B: _______________________________________ ?

A: I often do housework and listen to music at home on

weekends .

B: Oh , _______________________________________ ?




Jack: I am sorry. He is busy now. please hold on. Zhang Peng: _________?

Jack : He is writing an e-mail. He is coming. Zhang Peng: Hi, John! _______.

John: I go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning. Zhang Peng: It is early. ______? John: I get up at 6:00. Zhang Peng: Shall we meet at 6:50 at school? John: _____.


Jack: Hello, Zhang Peng. ___________?

Zhang Peng: It’s October 2nd.

Jack: _____? Zhang Peng: I often have a birthday party with my classmates.

Jack : _________? Zhang Peng: No, we don’t. When is your birthday?

John: It’s in winter. It’s December 9th

. Zhang Peng: ______?

John: I like winter best. Zhang Peng: Why? John: ___________.


A: Hello, ______. B: Hello, Jack. _____? A: I’m watching TV.

B: __________? A : No, she isn’t. She’s doing the dishes. B: _______?

A: He’s in the study. B: ______? A: Sure. Hold on, please. B: Dad, there’s a call for you!

(4) Ken: _______? Sue: I see two tigers. Ken: ______?

Sue: They are near the river. Ken: _______? Sue: They’re swimming.【英语5年级普通对话】

Ken: _________? Sue: Yes, they can really swim. Ken: _________?

Sue: No, I can’t see any elephants.


A: Hello, Tommy. Which season do you like best? B: ______.

A: _______? B: Because I like swimming.

A: Do you usually go swimming on the weekend? B: ________.

A:When do you usually go swimming? B: __________. ____________? A: Sure. Let’s go swimming together next Saturday.


A: Hello, Kay. ________? B: I’m in London now.

A: ________? B: It’s rainy today? A: Are you watching TV?

B: _________. I’m working on the computer. A: _________? B: No, I don’t. A:____________? B: I usually watch TV at 10:00 in the evening.


A: Hey, Kate. _________? B: It’s December 1st. It’s winter now.

A: ____? B: No, I don’t. What about you?

A: ________. Because my birthday is in winter. B: _______________?

A: It’s December 28th. B: ________? A

:I often have a birthday party.

A: Can you see the tigers? B: _______. ___________?

A: Look! They’re in the woods. B: ________?

A: They are swimming B: _________?

A: Yes, they often swim in summer. B: ___? A:No, I don’t. They are terrible.(可怕的


A: ______? B: I’m making a birthday card for my mother.

A: ________? B: It’s October 5th. A: _________? B: It’s October 4th. A: Oh, then tomorrow is your mother’s birthday. _________?

B: Yes, we do. Look! ________.


A: Hello. ______________?

B: It’s sunny today. Look! The students are in the woods.

A: _______? B: Mike is watching insects, but Zhang Peng is picking up leaves. A: _______________? B: Yes, I can. Look! She is collecting leaves.

A: Why is she collecting them? B: ___________?

A:_____________________. B: Yes, she is.



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