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Unit Two 第二单元

My week 我的一周

What do you have on Fridays? 星期五你上什么课? I have a PE class. 我有体育课。

Do you often play sports? 你经常做运动吗?

No I don't. 不。

I don't like sports. 我不喜欢运动。

Do you often read books on the weekend? 你周末经常读书吗?

No, but I often sleep! 不,但我经常睡觉! ♪

A. Let's try. 试一试

Listen and fill in the blank. 听,填空。

Good morning, John! 早上好,约翰!

What day is today? 今天星期几?

Wednesday. 星期三。

Oh, yes. 哦,对。

What do you have on Wednesday? 你星期三上什么课?

I have art. 我上美术课。

I really like it. 我真喜欢美术。


Let's talk. 谈话

John: Grandpa, look at my picture. 爷爷,看我的画。

Grandfather: Great! What do you have on Thursdays? 很棒!你星期四上什么课?

John: I have maths, English and music. 我上数学、英语和音乐。

Grandfather: Oh, I love music! 哦,我爱音乐! Who's your music teacher? 音乐老师是谁? John: Mr Young. 勇老师。

Grandfather: Is he strict? 他严格吗?

John: No. He's funny. 不,他很风趣。

What do you do on Thursdays, Grandpa? 爷爷,你星期四做什么?

Grandfather: Oh, I have a cooking class with your grandma! 哦,我和你奶奶去上烹饪课。

John: Haha! 哈哈!

Let's learn. 学习

What do you have on Mondays? 你星期一上什么课? I have Chinese, English, maths and music. 我上中文(语文)、英语、数学和音乐。

Monday 星期一

Tuesday 星期二

Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四

Friday 星期五

Saturday 星期六

Sunday 星期日

weekend 周末

Let's spell. 拼读

Read, listen and chant. ee /i:/

feet 脚(复数) beef 牛肉

meet 会见

ea /i:/

tea 茶

read 读

eat 吃

Let's chant. 一起唱。I like to read. 我爱读。读,听和唱。

I like to eat. 我爱吃。

I like to drink tea. 我爱喝茶。 I like to repeat. 我爱重复。

I like to read.

I like to eat.


I like to drink tea.

I like to repeat.

I like to read.

I like to eat.【人教版五下英语录音】

I like to drink tea.

I like to repeat.

I like to read.

I like to eat.

I like to drink tea.

I like to repeat.

Now it's your turn. ♪♪♪

♪ 现在轮到你了。




Name _______Class_______


1. We often ______ _______(吃晚饭) at 6:00.

2. When do you _______ _______ _______ (晨练)?

3. We have _______ _______(英语课) on Mondays.

4. What would you like _______ _______(早餐)?

5. I often _______ _______(进行体育运动) at 5:00.

6. How many _______(季节) are there in a year?

7. The weather is _______(暖和).

8. I like _______ (夏天)very much. I can wear my shorts.

9. _______(春天) is my favourite season.

10. What do you do on the _______ (周末)?

11. We plant trees in _______(三月).

12. I like _______(六月), because my birthday is in it.

13. It’s _______ (下雪的)in December.

14. When do they _______ _______(运动)?

15. I’m _______ _______(画画) in the art room.

16. Are you _______ the _______(接电话)?

17. I often _______ the _______(浇花) on the weekends.

18. Can John _______ the _______(弹钢琴)?

19. Is his ______(叔叔) birthday in June?

20. The boy is _______(跑步) on the playground.

21. She’s _______ (跳)with her little sister.

22. Are the birds _______(飞) in the sky?

23. I have some white _______(兔子).

24. Father likes _______ _______(散步) on the path after dinner.

25. Chen Jie is _______ _______(捉蝴蝶).

26. We are _______ _______ (拍照)of the pandas in the zoo.

27. Mike likes _______ _______(观察昆虫).

28. Can you _______ ______ _______ (采摘苹果)for the farmer?

29. Let’s _______ some _______(做些实验).


30. Can Amy _______(数) the insects?

31. Are the boy _______ _______(收集树叶)?

32. We go to climb ShunFeng _______(山) on the weekend.

33. He has many _______ (照片)of animals.

34. Let’s _______ _______ _______(进行野餐) next Sunday.

35. The tigers are _______(打架).

36. The little boy _______(荡秋千) in the Children’s Center every weekend.

37. That elephant isn’t _______(喝) water.

38. Do the pandas _______ (爬)trees?

39. The birds are good at _______(飞) in the sky.

40. My uncle doesn’t _______(听) to music.

41. Mother is _______ (洗)clothes.

42. They aren’t _______(清洁) the classroom.

43. Grandma often _______(煮) noodles for me in the morning.

44. How many _______ (信)do you have?

45. The _______ (第二)day of the week is Monday.

46. Can he _______(整理) the bed?

47. March the _______(第八) is Women’s day.

48. My _______(伯父) birthday is Oct. 10th.

49. My family and I like _______ _______(去远足).

50. Do you _______(读) books every weekend?

51. Let’s _______ _______(爬山)in the park.

52. I _______ my _______ (看望我的爷爷)on Sundays.


1. 你最喜欢哪个季节? _______ _______ do you like best?

2.告诉她同学们都在那边。 Tell _______ the _______ _______ over there.【人教版五下英语录音】

3.她非常喜欢弹钢琴。 She _______ to ________ the _______ very much.

4.绿色是好,但我最喜欢的颜色是紫色。 Green is _______, but purple is my _______ _______.

5. 我晚上和Mike散步。 I _______ _______ Mike _______ the evening.

6.Jonh喜欢春天,因为他可以植树。 John _______ spring, _______ he can _______ _______.

7.湖里面有一些鱼吗? _______ there _______ _______ in the lake?


8.什么时候是教师节? _______ is the _______ _______?

9.我不喜欢晨练。 I don’t _______ _______morning _______.

10.你的哥哥的生日在八月吗? _______ your ________ birthday _______ _______?

11.六月有三十天。 _______ _______ thirty _______ in June.

12.你会写电子邮件吗? _______ you write _______ _______?

13.他在接电话吗? _______ he _______ the _______?

14.他们不在观察昆虫。 They _______ _______ _______.

11.陈洁和她的姐姐在采摘树叶。 Chen Jie is _______ _______ __with _______ sister.

12.妈妈,有电话找你。 Mom, _______ _______ call _______ you.

13.我经常打扫卧室。 I often _______ _______ _________.

14.三月八日是妇女节。 _______ 8th is _______ _______.

53. 星期天我可以睡长觉。 I can _______ a _______ time on _______.

54. 今天是几月几日? ____________________________________________

55. 我可以找你妈妈听电话吗? ____________________________________________

56. 你的职业是什么? ____________________________________________

57. 我也不能做饭。 ____________________________________________

58. 好大一个自然公园啊! ____________________________________________

59. 我们可以在冬天游泳吗? ____________________________________________

60. 她不在种树,她在放风筝。 ____________________________________________

61. 每个人都喜欢收到生日卡。 ____________________________________________

62. 我正在拍一张大象的照片。 ____________________________________________



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